Control issues and the facade of power, a look at it from another point of view. The key to control is in its grasp.

  It will all basically come down to control issues.  The facade of power tastes just too sweet.  The lack of personal control will have us grasp for it.  We want control so badly that it Lords over us.  We wonder, worry, complain and focus all of our energy upon things we simply cannot control.  Yet get a false sense of hope as control is forced into another individual.  A false sense of entitlement that drags us further down the spiral of negativity.  Anger, frustration, aggravation, loss of determination, and procrastination will all be a late sign of domestic violence adding up into an immobalization of the mind, body, and spirit as well as the thought processes that pull us out of negativity.  Control is so sought after that it burrows deep into our subconcious so much so that the proof of our control issues will manifest directly into our running thought...  Into the controlled and uncontrollable commentary used in our day to day lives.  

  Life has a funny way of showing us all our individual, so called problems, that we face.  Or the things and beliefs we hold so close to ourselves that they become a hindrance in our lives.  This could be any number of people, places, or things and even situations or events.  As wants bring us pain, desires will become fears under certain circumstances.  This too is vast indeed due to our own individual or personal experiences as well as our views of life in general.  Our necessity for control knows no bounds and like anything else becomes a hidden addiction that if not crushed or washed clean, or had a specific set of experiences that had undeniable proof that all our obsessions with power and control is in vain and a fruitless engagement would only be a waste of time and energy to attempt to control things that are and will always be out of your hands as well as have no relevance to the life you live.  An absolute exterior stimulation of thought alone and nothing more.  

  These things are force fed to us by the media and colleagues. Giving control over we reaffirm situations that are entirely out of our control as something of vast importance and thus something must be done.  "Not by me of course or mind you.  But by someone, thats just not my responsability." "Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble"  Still grasping for control. Control! Control!!  Until we comprehend we have little or no control over anyone, not even ourselves.  We will remain in these delusions of grandure that we actually control anything.  

  With this realization in hand we are able to start to control things and control our reaction periods of emotional responses.  As well as able to calm down a little bit sooner.  We are able to react less and less to insignificant stimulation from the exterior world.  We begin to be able to control our respiratory system or our breath as well as our thoughts.  We begin to see what we do and what we actually have control of.  We start to control our eating habits.  We begin to regain control of our bowels and bodily functions more and more effectively.  As well as being able to begin to better manage and control some aspects of our free time.  Finding strength to control how we act and react to situations and stressors.  With this tool of understanding sharpened with focus the utilization of the rest of our tools will come with ease.  To reprogram and reconnect the body with the brain and to the mind will become a solidified learned trait that links back into the roots of our existence and survival.  Control issues are linked into survival and our defense mechanisms that ensure us another day of life.  It all comes down to shock and how we handle it.

  Shock has many uses that are abused for a form of a high or a rush of adrenalin or any other slew of the cocktails of emotions it provides.  That is until we understand all of this, that and the other when it comes to shock.  Control comes and goes as it pleases as if we ever had a hold of it in the first place.  Like everything shock and control are like a dimmer switch that if simply understood would be an amazing tool with limitless possibilities attached to it with practice and the implication of action.  Any change will always require some form of action.

  The action you can take may be taken alone and that can and will work.  All one needs is to be exposed to information and then go over it until that information becomes knowledge we can apply to our personal lives.  Finding the information and then setting intention with a new schedule is all it takes.  We @ MJM University of Thought may be able to help you get it all straightened out.  With numerous courses and tools that provide the same in-depth experience as our 1 on 1 coaching will provide.  Take the time to contact us and we can set you up with a class that fits your every need and desires.
As always thank you so much for your time and consideration.



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