A Christmas Carol, is it time to look inside? Isn't it a time of truly giving? Shouldn't everyday be embraced the exact same?

  "Mankind should have been my business"! A weary weak remnants of a man shackled and chained cries for redemption. The redemption that never comes. The aftermath of our transgressions haunted, "till death do us part". The snapshots of the mind won't ever let you live anything down. Our guilt has good cause and there is always a chance to turn it all around. As Scrooge would wake up at the end of his experiences. You can too, if you allow yourself to become who you were meant to be. The you that you keep hidden from everyone else. The giving till it hurts side of the human experience. As you are the child inside that hides. Our inner child wants to come out and feel the sun. But the popularity contest we hold onto keeps us showing others a tougher side of ourselves. Wanting to be strong and be in control makes for a person to look up to, or so it seems. Yes and no, someone that is overly confident is often incompetent. They may be able to handle the tasks life has in order to climb the corporate ladder, by "stroking the ego of others". But not every mind is capable of finding empathy without allowing personal beliefs to end up twisting the truth.
  Not until we really make a mess of things will we see the errors of our ways. Dragging others through the gutters seems to be how most people find the "errors of their ways". Not until the death bed will most of us ever attempt to repent. Sure there are moments of realization when "La Drio" falls down on our heads. But our defense mechanisms really don't hurt for long. Often times when the weight of the world comes crashing down. Our own ego will not allow us to take responsibility. Just blame someone else and you are mentally off the hook. Or so it seems, the other side of the ego won't ever let you forget or live any of it down. That is part of "La Drio's" job. Our protective mechanisms are only ever trying to help. But a contradiction of intentions comes into play. Helping others becomes a mental burden that people just discard.
  The thought that we never did anything to hurt anyone is and isn't valid. The repercussions of our actions have a price to be paid. That tole will be collected on way or another. Life has a funny way of finding ways of playing little games. After all everything we do is basically to waste time and be entertained. Or to entertain someone else but it is still entertaining to the entertainer. Even if the individual in question has flipped the script of their own dopamine reserves. Those feel good emotions are the driving force behind any and all of our actions. That is the only way we feel our thoughts. After all, an emotion is nothing more than an powerful thought charged with intense chemical responses. Same goes for our intentions. Intentions are just a thought as well. At times a series of thoughts that add up to a clear intention. Others, a series of chaoitc thoughts that add up to a different form of "clear intention".
  Manifestation has some levels and parameters that not everyone knows about. Our personal abilities to control manifestation also have levels of experience. Most of the time in this life we find harder chalenges than before. "We have to deserve what we get". As we feel as if we are unworthy. More and more trials and tribulations will arise. We simply will not allow ourselves to get away with "murder" or anything for that matter. This goes all the way into literal murder as we witness criminals return to the scene of the crime or keeping trinkets from their hanus acts & decisions. A way to remember the moment due to doors of the mind slamming closed to protect themselves from their own actions. Your ego as much of a bad guy people make it out to be, is your conscience. Both sides of the coin to face. That is why with a clean ego you finally see your true unconditional nature. Unconditional acceptance is the side you hide from the world. In attempts to protect it from harm or assumed attack. The ego has sides to it that we really need to be grateful for. If people never told on themselves we would have more crime and less conviction of actual criminals. 
  Often times being in the criminal justice department opens doors of the mind that should remain closed off. To enter into the mind of the deranged is more than likely the only way we will catch them before the next outburst. Or before they "fall victim to their own desires" again. Through our imagination we find the answers. That and forming a master mind connection with the mental disturbed. This comes with some serious risks of falling into that void of emptiness and pain. The mentally ill don't quite understand they are sick. Same goes for us all, the popularity contest that is life comes with a burden of some seemingly insignificant "split personality dissorders". Although simple enough to hide from everyone, because everyone is suffering from the same mental split. Denial is the first sign that you have a problem. Keep that in mind as you experience this truth consume you. The popularity contest formed as children is rarely ever let go of. Not many of us will ever stop trying to impress other people. Hiding behind what we think people want from us.
  Impressing others becomes a large goal of most people. To accumulate nice things and then show them off. With gatherings that involve exterior stimulation on a level of gluten and greed. I know it seems simple enough to have a group of friends over for drinks or food and fun. But inside the mind of the mentally tormented lies some questions that go unanswered. Questions that typically revolve around money and an unhealthy competition. Keeping your group of followers interested may seem to be impossible. As you compare lives as you naturally will. Often times speaking our mind gets us in trouble. As our spouses get involved the competition will either rage into a fire that consumes. Or breed fulfilment in the hearts of achievement. We all want others to do well in life. But our selfish nature will often times blow things out of proportion. Having nice things is often times an insult to those that go without. Especially if it is constantly shoved in their face that someone else has everything handed to them. Although they do work for a living, appearances are everything and we think what we think. The thoughts we think are limited by our experiences as well as our personal opportunities. The wastland of a deranged mind will consume the person inside.
  As we embrace the holidays and then just let that feeling fade, we will crave more and more. Every year we have a chance to hold our vibration at a level of immense bliss for the rest of the new year that follows. But we live life as if we were waking up on the wrong side of the bed on purpose. All year long to be expectant and grumpy if we don't get what we want. If your birthday is on Christmas the attitude of being owed something will be held onto more and more. Expecting someone to make a big deal out of our birthday is common and something we grow out of eventually. For different reasons and most of the time the same reason as I just mentioned. Not many people really feel as if their birthday is taken seriously or a big deal. As we reach a certain age people begin to dread their birthday fearing the inevitable. Telling themselves that they will die one day and it's just getting closer and closer. As the body degrades from lack of loving attention. Self love has levels to step through as well. Most people never step through selfishness to actually understand what self love actually is. 
  Free will and equality of humanity should be our business. That is the real work we are here to do. Mankind should be our mission and in all actuality it is. Running from our responsibility is all anyone ever really does. Playing the part of "Peter Pan" running from growing up in fear of becoming "Captain Hook" will inevitably form you into "Captain Hook". Creating giant problems to just run from them is all to common in todays society. After all worries and problems are all made up to occupy our time. To let them control you is a mistake. To rise to the occasion and succeed is what we should be doing with the hurdles we create for ourselves. After all, no one puts things in our way but us. If you don't want to play the games society has to offer, you don't need to. It's all a game you see. If you enjoy the games you play or not is the question. You can learn how to enjoy everything that happens. If you just learn how to not take things so personally. This is a task to be undertaken and will only help you grow. We close up as soon as we take things personally. All due to feeling as if we are under attack. It will add up to feeling like we are under attack and all times. Never a moments rest from needing to peptect yourself. That will make anyone greedy and secluded same as Scrooge.
  Giving is the most powerful thing you can do. Sharing opens up the flood gates to the givers high. To give unconditionally as if to a child with no expectations for a prompt return. For the most part our children will bever pay us back. To expect as much is only feeding into the mental torment that creates these conflicts of feeling alone and forgotten. The mind inside the tormented will remain in turmoil until they break free from themselves. The easiest way to do that is to give. Give something away that is dear to each others hearts. Give the gift of presence. Actually be there when others need it. Listen to them and you will know what to say. More often then bot saying nothing and just listening is all that is needed. Listen without judgment or you will be in the same boat as before. Knowing things about each other and being able to trust that we won't belittle one another is an amazing gift to recieve and share. The givers high is the most powerful chemical response we know of. It is much more powerful than hatred that only accessed the chemicals available. ADP mixed with adrenaline is powerful and now a days driven by hatred. 
  The time to give is always now. I don't mean to give someone money or things. If a person has a problem with the emptiness inside. Money or possessions will only feed the need to fill the void. The unknown and void is to be embraced. Our personal relationship with the void forms into fear of the unknown. This in turn forces us into the idea of attack. It feels more comfortable to assume attack than it is to open up and allow ourselves to feel uncertainty. Yet, not knowing what will happen is the only way to allow anything new to be experienced. The new experiences are in every moment. We just add opinions to the layers of reality as we consume it. With this habit held onto eventually people become "shadow walkers".
  Thank you so much for your time and consideration. We can step through frustration tobfind the light of realization. Annoyances and anger are simply ways of viewing our habits and moods. How we turn it all around is the same way that got us mixed up in the first place. Consuming information is the first step to realization, to then form that experience into fuel for the fire of change and transformation. Seeing the steps and taking them often times are more difficult than they should be. Seasonal depression is something I forced upon myself for most of my life. As I was ashamed to be around my family in fear of letting them down. That mental lie was never valid and always came back to haunt me. As young adults we seem to attempt to make up for our past transgressions. Often times our realizations come a day late and a dollar short. We can change but will it ever matter to anyone? See how the popularity contest sucks you right back in? Be the you you were meant to be and everything will be perfect. Unconditional acceptance is where we are, where we came from, and where we are going. We should allow ourselves to feel that every step of the way. Every single day should be embraced with compassion and good will towards others. Going through things together makes sure that we are truly present for one another.



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