Does age dictate maturity, or is it the ability to remain pure of heart?

  Age has basically nothing to due with maturity. As you look around, all we find are children grown older. That is unless you are involved with individuals that are absolutely done with negative limiting beliefs. For the most part, this is an impossibility. Everyone you meet has some beliefs of low self esteem. To absolutely believe in ones self is very difficult. Not many individuals have the ability to begin things to then follow them all the way through till the finish. This is a habit formed and nothing more. Our habits have a way of confining us. A habit can also be something that sets us apart from everyone else in good ways. We are all individuals and should embrace that. More so, we need to embrace the fact that we are interwoven into one another on the deepest level. Caught in the echo of time we find ourselves repeating history in one way or another.

  Maturity is formed at a young age. But to remain mature as well as to cultivate maturity is a choice. A decision, and a serious one at that. Finding yourself run by frustration, anger, fear, and pain will remain basically invisible. The rest of the world will see you for who you truly are. All while you hide from yourself. As we begin to hide from ourselves in our youth, it will form into a habit as well. The popularity contest that impressing people has to offer. Will add a spike into the egos palms. Nailing you to the ignorance that is not bliss. Many of us will always remain in the shadows of denial and repression rather than look inot the mirror of self realization. To understand all the sides of the human condition is far fetched to basically everyone that has ever been alive. The complexity of the ego has yet to be fully explained. I will be able to do this eventually but the ego is the largest idea in existence. The ego is how we are here in the first place. To wash it clean is to dissipate back into the emaculite ball of light that you are.

  Light vibrating fast enough to be solid is all anything really is. This understanding is far fetched to a mentality driven by a negative form of the ego. When nothing is good nor bad until it is put into action and it hurts another person or the self. The ego is what makes this so. The good, bad, ugly, and worse. The lies our ego tells ourself are that of racism, cannibalism, and everything in line that adds up to those travesties. The roots of suffering are fed by each of us. The fog of domestic violence cloggs our eyes from seeing the truth. That you never need to protect yourself. You are safe and accepted. You are unconditional acceptance. How would you ever not be accepted? Allow that to sink in and melt into that. Take the time to come inside and meditate.

  Meditation is as simple as closing your eyes and asking questions. Questions that add up to self realization. Or that add up to answers to problematic life ventures. Any question will do. Often times asking no question is better then anything at all. To sit and empty the mind. To simply feel your body, feel. Or through chanting a mantra or single word until you have found yourself lost, within yourself, beside yourself, behind yourself, right above yourself. Finding out that the exterior world is created and dictated all through how you see yourself is a lot of responsibility. Through thought and thought alone. Most individuals run from this in order to hide from becoming the Captain Hook they truly are. It's a twisted Peter Pan complex. This inner battle is the egoic nature of our conscience. We always know right from wrong, yet choose to do what we want. There will be a price to pay. A consequence will always find you due to the fact that you write the story of your own life. La Drio will always find you.

  We may think others control us. But that is only true if we allow it. As far as what we focus upon in our thoughts. Finding out the truth is a bit intimidating, so most individuals will deny it. But if you look inside and ask yourself why anything is important to anyone and why. We will see some inherited truths to be found. Our parents worries have become our worries. Our parents desires have become our desires. Our parents name is what we must live up to. Even if that name is contempt, envy, greed, suffering and worry. These footprints in the sand will all remain invisible to the eyes that walk the path thought to be righteous. All need be done is take control of our habits and disposition to take control of our life back.

  This is something my spiritual/life coaching will provide. Also the online classes available @ will be affordable as well as very comprehensive. Contact me through for coaching or donations. Thank you for your time and concideration.
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