What should I listen to durring meditation?

  What to listen to can be very important to finding a comfortable space to meditate. There are so many options to choose from. At times absolute silence is going to bring you to a deeper sense of oneness than you might know. Other times we would rather listen to something soothing to calm down and relax. The more we release and relax, the easier it is to melt into the self. As well as melt into reality. This is a form of meditation that can be obtained quite rapidly through the correct practices. The practice of listening to a story to end the running thought is an amazing tool to add to your bag of tricks. We will be able to learn how to control our brain waves at will. But only through practice, some know how, added to a bit of repetition. That is truly all it takes to change our disposition entirely. So to add in some helpful music can aid in many ways.

  Just the fact that sound is all vibrations really are, brings us to the understanding of oneness on a cellular level. As we are both particles while being waves at the same time, we are not only what meets the eye. Adding in the correct sound waves to vibrate with and into will help emensly. As we are able through the advancements in neural science to single out the brain waves and their functions. As well as when and how we think. Once you are able to read your own subconscious no one will be able to hide theirs from you. As we speak, nothing but forms of the truth will ever come out. Reading deeper into intentions will be a byproduct of reading your mind and brain correctly. Compassion is the only answer to self abuse. We all suffer from forms of repression or delusions of grandure at times. This too can form into a habit if not realized as well as kept in check.

  We are the ultimate answer when all is said and done. It is and will always be how we see things. How we view it makes all the difference. As we believe what we want we will find reasons to get and stay upset. The habits formed are slow and gradual, but they end up slowly changing us for the better and for the worse. We seem to always find real hurdles in life that keep us held back. Immobile, when we know we want to get things going again. Inaction can be a horrible habit to form. It has ahold of us with a grip that is absolutely invisible.

This is comparable to being kept locked up in a full body cast wanting to break free from healed wounds. Immobilization is a direct product of the fog of domestic violence. We take things out on ourselves as well as others. We do know better and will make ourselves pay for our supposed sins. We just all have a conscience and that is a good thing. As we learn and grow the ego slips its grip as well as holds tightly.  We will never be completely free from the egoic nature of seclusion. The fact that solitary confinement is against natural human rights is not important to our society for some reason. People just kind of turn a blind eye to the cold hard truths we have formed. Nevertheless timelessness is accessible to each and everyone of us. All through meditation.

  YouTube has an amazing selection of a veriety of sound combinations to choose from. With so many entrepreneurs bringing us content that is scientifically backed our options seem limitless. All thanks to online streaming and content video. The streaming aspect seems to come with some announce at times. But all in all we are able to find the information to download at the click of a button. As well as find the information as to how to unlock ourselves. As it can be a bit of a challenge to find how and what. That has become one of my personal goals. To bring as much awarness to the world as possible. To aid in our meditation practices I personally go as deep as I possibly can. I will typically use alpha brain waves to meditate with. Theta is another favorite of mine. I mostly layer them on and have a couple of them playing at once. I also do this at night while I sleep with astralprojection sounds playing from the astral realm. Added to something for reconditioning old beliefs to reprogram my own new desires. Recording your own voice has a deeper, fuller aspect to it. As well as much more rapid results. Getting immersed and involved has a tendency of doing that to us as people. It takes sticking to a routine for about a year to see solid change form into transformation. But we can end our addiction to our attitudes if we ever decide to grow out of the old you.

With many classes and courses in the making, as soon as they are ready they will become available. Our first meditation subscription is almost available. With my beginner book on meditation or the guided meditation subscription instantaneous is not an understatement. Thank you so much for your time and concideration.

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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