Why does a wounded healer hurt others? Why does anyone lash out at all? Why would anyone ever think it is appropriate to treat anyone inappropriately? Shouldn't those two ideas cooperate instead of just butt heads?

  Have you ever witnessed anything that sparked thoughts along these lines? Have you ever seen anyone sit back and listen, to then explode emotional and blame everything on a few individuals? Have you ever been in a group of healers progressing the craft only to find there is a lurking competition in the air? Can you smell the ego or see who is playing the joker card? Have you ever stepped into the observational awareness point of view that allows you to see how large groups of people trade emotions like chweing gum and baseball cards? Have you ever felt the exchange of energy that shows someone how big or small we truly are? Have you ever felt the strong arm of authority snatch you up by the collar? Have you ever seen someone getting the attention they want, to then feel a certain way that was a bit uncomfortable? Or ever seen someone react irrationaly because of attention someone else is getting? Or be even excited enough for someone else to just join in on the conversation with a good medium and middle ground? Or worse again, have you ever jumped into the conversation through nothing but emotional explosions?

  Have you ever had one of the members of the team go away for a while to fester inside, to then come back lashing out at any specific individuals for seemingly no reason? This exercise could take days and even weeks to reach its boiling point. Have you ever known anyone that was a self proclaimed professional and perfectionist that can't actually ever let anything go? Or even worse, do you know someone that acts like this but lives in complete denial of it? Do you know anyone that beats around the bush a lot when it comes to the root issues they have and are facing? In turn always looking for ways of blaming anything on someone for something other than personal decisions. Anything that is a trivial mistake turns into a way of singling out attention in an unhealthy abusive manner? Most of the time no one even understands what just happened let alone sees any point to any of it. Other than that grown up is always acting like a 12 year old for some reason or another, but why? Are you infecting people with your own fears and limitations? Or are you able to see how to regain balance? Do you still share your supposed problems in unhealthy ways?
  Or can you see how you create your own insecurities as well as dramatic expressions that build into a chaotic life? Are you a wounded healer that still needs to heal? Do you ever take your infected ideas of protective mentality and project it onto anyone? Are you done hiding behind your defensive mechanisms or not? Because if you are not heald then you should bot be giving anyone any advice about anything at all. If your fear drives what you are saying then why do you think it would lead into anything but pain and suffering again and again? Is that what you call healing? Do you keep teaching people how to pass the buck of blame? Do you keep teaching people how to be thrown rather than find their way home in every breath? Do you even know what your subconscious programs are written with? Have you taken to time to actually do the work and stepped through those forms of your shadows? Or did you think that shadow work was just a something to do and then you are done. Did you think that scratching the surface of your shadows would not provoke what you keep dormant and hidden from the world? Do you really think you can cover up and hide from your own issues forever?
  Hmmm, did you really think that some surface shadow work was digging deeper? How many times have you peeled back the onion that you are? Have you even done it once yet? Or did you just have another experience that you misinterpreted again? Have you ever even dug deep into the persona at all? How often do you reflect on how you treat others? I know how often you think you reflect upon how horrible other people have treated you. I understand that you don't even look at that as dwelling on limiting beliefs. I comprehend how and why you would live in a form of invisible denial due to this lifestyle of passing the buck of blame. Or constantly needing to find a reason as to why and who's fault is it really? That lack of personal accountability built the falty shaty framework that fell apart before. Living inside the frontal lobe is the incorrect answer. If you like building things that just keep falling apat, then by all means keep jumping back into old patterns and old beliefs. How far did they get you before? If you are actually serious about personal transformation then you will actually heal before claiming you can heal. You will listen before you speak.
  You will know when you need to listen instead of speaking. You will also learn how to cut ties with those that are not actually healed. They will keep holding onto that side of a dilusional reality for you. You can just let go at any time. Just build a better brighter life of unconditional acceptance. That will often call for you to drop the facade as soon as someone else tries to drag you back into that neverending well of sorrow and pain. That is all La Drio has to offer within the seclusion found from digging into the self incorrectly leading to more and more suffering. You can keep getting to China only to pop out blaming everyone for not making it to india like Christopher Columbus if you like. Or you can actually learn how to control yourself. You could fugure out what you are doing with your life. If you would drop the arrogant facade held up by fear. If you could stop screaming at everyone while they are attempting to help you things would be much smoother. But if you decide to keep acting like a twelve year old then grown ups are going to go play grown up games. No offense, its just the way that it is. People don't like having children that aren't their own tugging at their proverbial pat leg. 

  Especially when they haven't even gotten anything figgured out for themselves. That just triggers emotional explosions in the same way that seeing someone else that does have it fuggired out will. Abandonment is abandonment no matter who's face it uses. It is an ugly little gremlin, I'll tell ya that. If all you are doing is passing the buck of blame and responsibility, then people will see that and just let you do that on your own. Only when you are genuine with yourself will you ever be able to help anyone else heal from anything. On top of that, only those that are absolutely ready to heal will ever be able to hear anything anyone else has to say. Until then you will only hear what you want and that too builds into some emotional explosions. If you are only cicked and ready to explode, then how do you expect to help anyone with their own reaction times? Flying off the handle as a trigger happy hero ends in flames most of the time. Do you even understand the various levels of your reaction times? Do you have a healer that is abusive? Do you have an abusive healer in the group of hewlers you joined? Do you join group conversations only to find triggers being triggered while your helping no one triggers you back into joing in on the shared abuse? Are you ready to step through that childish attention grabbing attitude? Are you realdy to actually heal? Are you ready to stop reliving your own nightmares? Are you ready to learn how to share dreams instead? 
  In addition to all of the above and more, everyone will almost compete for the glory or ability to heal the one that is currently in competition for any forms of attention. Allow me to explain. Whenever we are saying the same things in different ways it will be easy to assume that we go unheard or negated or even trampled upon by anyone adding in or making an opinionated point. That opinion may be more than valid while pointing out what they are feeling or assuming, rather owning. What side of the story are you owning in any confrontation or conversation? They can be precieved in the same ways so it is easy to assume attack whenever delving into the new stories we are telling ourselves. The new story is often interwoven with the old stories so the snap back affect will always tether us to our old patters and habits. The old ego will always be in protective mode as we don't put it to sleep correctly. When we wake up in the morning, we wake up either the old or new version of you. Realizing the experience of being on razors edge is not common place. Alow down and you too will find the experience I am explaining.  Everthing will come down to the enotional imprinting we believe in and feed into. What are you owning or clinging to? Who are you showing the world right now? Who were you meant to be?

  If you are ready for a different approach to personal transformation and therapy then don't hesitate to contact our team. We have designed a hands off~hands on approach. As no one but you needs to know your personal businesses. We really don't ever need to dig up anything in public. You know how you can trust to open up to. That one individual is all it will truly take. We may be able to guide you in a few ways in how to talk to yourself and others again. But ultimately it is you that is the main attraction in the show that is your life. You and you alone are able to let go of what binds you inside your own comfort zones. Together we may be able to review what works for people and how things cling to us while we keep on giving and doing our best to stay afloat in the waves of life. We are always here to help. With works of literature that put self control back into your hands you can and will aid you in building your own future. No one is stopping you but you. The thoughts you think may be all we need to change and shuffle around a bit. A mental shift provides the nessecairy pivot that draws our dreams towards us instead of constantly chasing after them. If you are ready to turn it all around then our how to laid out steps to follow may be all you need to take your life back. If addiction of self persecution keeps haunting you then you would also do well by takig our programs seriously and transformation will flow with ease. Contact our team either through the comments or a detailed email. Be sure to leave a message if you decide to call. We can get into anything you need or like. If personal coaching is of interest to you then leave a message with what is bothering you in life and we will take things to the next level as soon as you are ready to do so. Or perhaps we can work together. If you are a healer that is ready to heal then we are ready to get on a discovery call with you as well. You can also call or send a text message to (719) 822-6264.
anewwaveofthinking gmail.com 
As always we thank you for your time and consideration. May our dreams and aspirations drive the fire of desire inside to new hights beyond the goblins city. Have a beautiful day and remember that you have delt with anything and everything that has ever come at you. You can do it and nothing can ever hold you down forever. Impermanence is your ally in the war against consciousness.


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