Is there more to know about domestic violence? Would you like to take a journey into what we call the fog?

 The accepted aspects of domestic violence that forms the fog are simple enough to overlook.  The fog of domestic violence lurks behind our freedom of speech and in turn is the perfect place for the ego to hide.  Front and center seemingly in plane sight.  Where else would suffice for the attention seeking egoic nature driven by the parasympathetic nervous system?  Simple enough to let it slide and go about the workings of your day.  Verbal domestic violence is more than too common. The ego is every day in every way misunderstood, misused and abused.  The inner coach turned criticism more often than not breaks the will to win in the hearts of even the strongest mental attitudes if not comprehended.  We simply beat ourself up for assumed failures that haven't even happened yet. Falling victim to our own self loathing, our own individual versions of pain turned pleasure. When everything else is inside out and upside down pain is taken for pleasure.  This form of self abuse always goes back to childhood.  Where traumatic experiences shape the beginning base of our framework.  Our assumed past abandonment that did and didn't happen.  Being so small and not knowing the inner workings of the brain that haven't even begun to form till the age of 3 or 4 will have a child blind to the world.  This type of abuse is and isn't warented "we did feel something" but nevertheless any forms of self abuse will overflow the cup that is you and spill on to others in the direct vicinity.  Seems time to describe La Drio.  The bricks we put up and throw at one another in moments that we revert back into the caveman mentality.  Our protective mechanisms that are ultimately walls we hide behind in order to quiet the reverberation of pain that echoes through our mind body and soul.  At first the bricks we throw are simple enough.  The first layer of protection comes at a very early age.  Test your recollection skills and focus back, attempt to find this first time we felt attacked in a supposedly safe place in public.  Our personal home setting may be too close for comfort and a bit harder to face from all too real forms of physical, mental, and emotional abuse.  Let's keep this simple and an easy step.  As we find the part of our life that began the attitude of defense it leads us to seeing a simple form of protective walls made from bricks of glass so we can still see everyone.  As we are so young the eyes of a child will see no wrong in any hearts it finds.  Able to be programmed into submission or excellence but not a single person understanding how to do either.  Frustration takes the reins and opens the door to the parasympathetic nervous system to take over.  We assume someone is attacking us so in turn as bricks are thown at us they are promptly thrown right back.  This glass house won't handle many bricks before la drio comes crashing down.  As we take it all personally it gives reason to build thicker stronger walls to hide behind.  As we grow these walls get higher and higher.  Also as life throws bricks as well we, take the pain and shove it down. Deeper into the bottom of the heart and it feels as if it goes deeper than that so we feel or think we wait long enough and time heals all wounds. This is not the case.  Scar tissue hurts and holds onto the idea of trauma due to the body and its innate ability to remember and hold onto things that happen.  Not long till we stand upon the bricks we bottle up in order to be bigger than the pain that holds us up. As we seclude ourself in the cave we have made the ego forced upon us.  Being the center of attention is all the ego wants and will settle for. So we put up mirrors all around ourself so as not to be alone.  For all the egos attempts to get us alone it just can't handle a quiet life.  Vanity drives the egoic nature to a destructive path every single time.  The body knows better than the mind when the body is left to be in command due to the ego and its destructive agenda.  As we set up our mirrors they seem sturdy enough, after all they are made of people.  Yep, people have a funny way of showing sides of themselves that we won't put up with or we want but can't seem to figure out how to get.  Any number of reasons that trigger us into lashing out into a destructive pattern of a hurricane leaving the void in its wake.  We bring our defense mechanisms all right down onto our heads.  Being so stubborn that it's all someone elses fault will allow for these bricks to not affect us personally, or so we think.  Since this interaction causes us to replace a person and replace a mirror we find ourselves more kind for some reason.  A short period of misunderstood remorse.  This false feeling of accomplishment is all the ego tricking you into feeling good for the "healthy seperation".  No seperation formed from anger or pain with envy in the driver seat is healthy.  But we will lie to ourselves because after all it was all them, how dare they bring that to the table of plethora?  After some time of being overly compensated with compassion our compass gets dirty or distorted.  Compramized in ways we are unable to recognize.  This over compensation of kindness will either give us a way out of suffering and into joyous bliss.  Or send us tail spinning back down the vortex of pain shared with everyone we encounter.  An opportunity for an apology arises.  "Oh it's just a mood" or "why does everyone keep doing this to me" are common thoughts that the ego will throw at you in order to hide its agenda. Smaller bricks that hit the reset button as well.  As domestic violence is only a reset button that forces us into fawn fight or flight.  When dealing with people it truns to mostly fight or flight. Ignoring the only option available that will actually get to the root of the problem. The single word that is abused more than any demographic on the planet.  A simple word that says it all "conversation".  To converse is to form understandings.  Not knowledge yet, knowledge comes from personal experience.  But we can share our past with each other and through empathetic forms of interaction we will see their side of the story.  But the ego won't allow any of that.  If so it would be put away and left locked up alone for the rest of time.  The ego will creep up and slip in from out of the shadows of our present and past. Only to trick us again and again into falling victim to the lies it tells us. 

Thank you so much for your attention and time.  Breaking free from the egoic nature is more capable than we might think.  As is the purpose or intention of the information I share.  With a bit of self realization we will break loose from the chains that bind us to our assumed past. As well as our presumed limitations.  Only touching base on some larger concepts here only begs for deeper explinations that will unfold as time goes by.



  1. I just shared this on my twitter & plan to share it on my blog later. As I said earlier, aside from some grade-school editing, you wrote a perfectly understandable entry. *Smiles*

    1. Thank you for the input as well as the support ๐Ÿ’—


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