Is online group therapy the wave of the future?

  Same as any form of access to information.  Online group as well as one on one therapy is definitely the wave of the future in our ever growing digital age.  With access to a private setting within a group a healthy form of seperation and the ability to remove yourself personally from any situation you may have is naturally being nurtured and facilitated.  At the same time never alone we are able to cycle through the names and faces of the group, join in or be silent and muted if we and for as long as we feel necessary.  The ability to remain anonymous intact with the comfort to engage one on one in a private message thread.  Also always able to join an open comment thread with the group or to be taken further and to be written down to be rolled around and thought out alone.  

  Everything is all in your own personal control to begin to understand what we can control.  You may open up to a few people or just one to just find comfort in your story.  Or have a solid place to find the information and absorb it to go over it personally.  Even therapists need therapists.  The ball is truly in your court with a group or one on one online therapy session of listening, reflecting, reading others experiences, as well as conversation at the click of a button at any time of the day or night. With options like prerecorded lectures and running comment threads also access to a network of individuals teamed up and uniting continents the access is undeniable as well as expandable and flexible.  Bringing yourself to a new understanding by exposing yourself to like minded brilliant individuals that are exactly like you in there own ways facilitates rappid growth that leads to transformation.  

  Eventually once we realize this simple but at times illusive fact and prove we are deeply interconnected we will be able to open up slowly.  First to the self, at times this requires a second individual to listen so two birds with one stone.  Next two people in a safe setting far removed from judgment. "Our design structure of courses will explain any confusion here"  let's face it, people in different states and at times on different continents have little to no repercussion on our own personal day to day lives.  Even if a person seeks you out to cause you pain and is terrorising you.  Today we are equipped with a block and lock system to keep others at bay.  Now the more you can go through and tell your own personal story to anyone in attempts to find the truth, the more truth demistifies the lies we have told ourselves our entire lives.  All of our limiting beliefs will come up eventually if we allow and trust in the process.  If only we could recognize them to begin with.  The more truthful the better and to be in this far removed setting may be critical in one's unfolding.  

  Writting it all down is the next step and to say an advanced method of transformation is an understatement.  We will find there are many ways and means to an end. Taking the steps as they unfold and are shown to us is key.  Now in doing any of these practices it's important to remember a few things.  Revisiting the past in this fashion is what has been hurting us in the first place.  What we do to ourselves is a very hard hitting if not the most advanced form of psychology to begin with.  Learning how to bring it all back to the beginning in the correct ways will allow numerous forms of closure.  We are brutally honest and simply beat ourselves up over and over.  The stress response of fight or flight and our survival mechanisms will always play out the worst case scenario for us just in case.  A constant matinee of our own little nightmares recurring on a loop.  So we glorify pain over and over and over.  Not understanding that as we dwell we are supposed to be able to tell.  Differentiate from what is really going on. 

  We need to recognize what is happening and why.  We naturally revisit a traumatic experience for some new knowledge or information that we seemingly missed and it should be safe to revisit a thought, or so we think.  The snap shot of the moment is just too enticing.  The cocktail of emotions that come with exciting moments tend to rip us from the now.  As we dwell our mind becomes a cell.  Some critical mass that went right through us.  All the true truths that we ignored due to our limited perception of reality.  Now, when everything is happening right now things get a bit hectic to say the least.  Our fanatic lifestyles have no limits.  Our lives go all sorts of directions and seemingly all on its own at times.  Similar to a walking nightmare our recollection is one of trauma and pain. Fear is only used to grab our attention in moments that could or would matter in a life or death situation.  It is a very affective way to get our attention.  After all it seems to be all we can ever hear or ever want to listen to. 

  Fear crept up is a sure way to either light a fire underneath yourself in order to spring up into to action.  Or a sure fire way to find ourselves backed into the cave we made to hide in.  The cave is used in either comfort or aggression. "This concept of the cave beggs for the explanation my first book holds."  But as is the fog of domestic violence leaves us empty and lethargic.  Procrastination has become the path we follow.  "Put it off and do that again tomorrow" is an unspoken motto.  All due to the self abuse we share so openly.  For all of our assumptions will only take us back into the cycle of repeating yesterday on a loop. "Pissed off and mad about it" becomes people's mentality, mood, and attitudes.  So there is no wonder why it forms into our personality traits.  What makes you think children are any different?  All around you the thought of the life half lived runs rampid in the minds of the self abused.  All due to some forms of assumed pain that in turn became what we look for to reaffirm our beliefs upon reality.  You feel miserable so you look for and find misery.

   The eye that finds beauty tells no lie. Beliefs are just beliefs but thats how we lie to ourself.  This strange loop takes a bit of explaining to get ahold of the concept.  Once its understood we can simply turn around.  No longer abusing or being abused by the back door point of view.  Finally we are able to create a future.  With our best foot forward we dawn a new day with a new precedent.  The ability to remove yourself personally from our past experiences is a tool that can be sharpened. This is again, not the only way to write a new future. Our online courses will be all inclusive.  The introduction to group online courses is a great eye opener the the use and even understanding of the capabilities of the tools we possess.  You may find our simple lectures or online courses will be all it takes.  A subtle nudge in the correct direction is at times much more powerful than the truth that becomes so solid that we put up our own walls to run into.

   "La Drio" will always find you in one way or another.  The bricks of domestic violence that we throw at one another will need repurposing.  So back into the cave we go.  At the first sign of being attacked we build our walls to retreat behind only to find the same mirrors waiting for us.  The problems seem to find you no matter what you do.  The answers may be found in an online group therapy setting.  We have an impressive structure in the making that you really shouldn't miss out on.  Join us at Martin's Institute of Information an Academy of Thought.  Our team of gathered minds are certain to help you find all the answers you are looking for.  We are dedicated to personal tramsformation with classes on subtle as well as advanced ways we are all capable of bending reality with.  What one person can do anyone has the capabilities to do as well.  Join our family and remember what family stands for.  End the cycle of domestic violence in your heart and the world will mold to your will.  An entire new world awaits you on the other side of pain.



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