Control the derailed train of thought by finding out how others have done so. is a mentor the answer?

  Often times our thoughts take over and just won't let us find a moments rest.  This can and will create all sorts of complex complications that are all simple in nature but added up all at once can be hectic to say the least.  I know that sounds like a mouthful and a cunundrum and it is.  The tumbling mind can find little to no rest.  We might be able to get tired enough through physical exhaustion but often times even this will not bring any form of mental solace.  Possibly relatable to counting sheep hopping over the fence to create a controled loop of repedative images to numb the brain to sleep.  But what happens when we are awake and all we can do is follow the running thought to no limits end? 

  I may have a few tricks you may or may not find useful or helpful.  These methods will actually need to be implicated fully to feel any results is all I mean to say.  They really work for me and they are a base starting point in medetation as well as reprogramming the brain in ways we allow psychology to run its own course.  Understanding thought in general is just not comon knowledge and a few aspects are just overlooked as well as the information not readily available to the masses.  Even my message here will only reach as many mimds as it possibly can and remain a drop in the ocean of humanity as it sits enraged and trampled over all due to each individuals running thought or mind chatter.  Most individuals run from it block it out or just jump into and after this running thought and say everything they possibly can.   Anxiety is a sure side affect to this mental form of toment and torture.  Inside a tormented mind of negativity the self abuse spilled onto others may find no end.  "The percecuted will always assume persecution."  "The attacked will always assume attack."
  As it were thought is not viewed correctly at all.  There are so many reasons that every word links into other words in the similar fashion as we will use hyper links for you here.  Linking in volumes of information with either a single word or a small set of words in conjunction as a basic description to just begin with.  Simple as this thoughts expand and expand as well as are connected with so many other thoughts for so many reason.  Similar meanings of words or be it they just sound the same or by chance they are entirely different words with just a few characters or letters swaped around to define an entirely different situation.  Even just the alphabet is nothing but linked in together on a form of timeline of sorts.  This is just a mental doorway into a deeper dream that unfolds at either it's will or our own.  

  But only once and if we understand thought better then take hold to harness the raw channeled power of the mind as well as thought itself.  Will we begin to understand our thought processes let alone their capabilities. What we think will become both things as well as reality in so many layers and ways that reality unfolds with thought and thought alone.  Thought is so powerful that everything we touch and use was first nothing more than a thought alone.  Then a thought process formed that thought from raw materials that often times took thought to produce or to melt seperate and then solidify into the materials used.  In turn more thought to make a thought even possible to become a tangible item.  Our thoughts have created the entire world around us.  Shaping it from and as if it were a maluable form of clay. Same as the brain and it's neural plasticity.

  Juggling our running thought seems to be an all day every day event most of our life.  Other individuals refer to this running thought as mind chatter and this is an amazing set of pointer words as well.  Any personal pointer word is a link into either understanding or the negative assumptions.  View them and understand, to better utilize our vocabulary we must comprehend thought itself.  This thought that won't stop tells us any number of things.  This becomes specific to each individual but the fact remains that the brain is a problem solving machine and nothing more.   That is when it comes to this form of thought that we are able to view or the thought on top.  This is only a fraction of thoughts ran through in any 24 hour setting.  

  The brain typically has anywhere from 60-70,000 thoughts a day at just idle.  Our viewd thought or running thought I would estimate is at about 12,000 thoughts a day.  And thats a lot.  Most of those viewed thoughts are what we dwell upon so in turn that is what we will always think about. Those same thoughts every day over and over on a loop cause the viewed thought to be assumed to be even less than 1000 thoughts a day to the untrained eye.  We just don't think we think that much is all.   But we really do and these thoughts can sometimes take ahold of our day to day activities as well as actions taken.  Our thought truly have powere we have yet to harness and comprehend and sometimes it controls us.
  With too much information to be shared here on the subject of thought and how to control as well as stop running thought in its tracks I must come to an end.  In closing I will point out that our very first class will express exactly how to do just that and much more.  Reading as well as understanding the subconscious as well as the parasympathetic nervous system in its entirety will be coverd in detail in course sets also.  Also stay tuned here for much more information that will all link in together as thought and subjects will do.  We are dedicated to bringing you solid information in a timely fashion.  This is the only reason the first course sets are not up and running for your availability and convenience at this time.  As always we thank you for your time and concideration and hope to see you in classes once they become available.




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