Team work and positive self reinforcement as well as from others around us

  Positive reinforcement while in any act or thought processes is critical to remaining in line with momentum and aimed as straight as possible towards any goal.  Look at any personal sport that is conducted as such or within any group especially chess.  Any high action personal extreme sport comited as well as any other sport performed at all for that matter.  Team work is the most sure way to find the footsteps towards success layed out for us.  With the competitive nature the world has to offer competition is more often then not a form of self abuse that turns into forms of unhealthy competition in the most subtle and peculiar ways.  
  Positive reinforcement is oh so critical in success.  We often times twist this around when we see abused individuals rising to the occasion, like a horse that has been whipped into shape and forced to run and win the race.  If that horse loses, it will be whipped even harder after the fact.  Or at least that's how we were raised as children and the generation before us was no exception.  This abuse has been handed down from generation to generation until the cycle finally stops it will remain.  The only way this can happen is if information is understood or light is shed upon the subject.  Even then there is no guarantee that any change will take place.  Change is a personal matter and that will go for everyone.  We are in fact individuals.

  Positive reinforcement is the same as talking down to yourself.  That's just what happens.  As it were if we fall down and become the scape goat for any reason we may sometimes not get back up so quickly or easily.  Others constant opinions and added banter or heckling in any way will only add to this situation.  We just care about what others think so much and also about how they look at us.  This side of the ego is it's own beast entirely.  The popularity contest that is life is no joke.  The ramifications it will have on our personal self image can be either very empowering or absolutely devastating.  Be careful who you spend your time with.  Self destructive individuals all seem to enjoy this form of self abuse from assumed abandonment and nothing more.  "Not everyone was abandoned but we don't see it like that, the ego is as enormous as it is insignificant."

  That negative reinforcement if allowed in will fester and boil.  Any reaction like "Why Can't I Get It!!" or "I'll Never Be Any Good!!" "I'll Never Get There!!"  Only builds the framework of failure to be gobbled up again and again.  We are constantly not on target anyway.  Never on point until the moment of impact.  Only then will the correct force and trajectory even matter.  But to understand that most of the game the ball is not in the basket is the entire point.  Success or contact with the target is always off until those single moments that add up as points or what have you.  A guided missile uses these same basic principles as they are designed after the human body and mind.

  Positive reinforcement is so critical that it can mean the difference in packing months of practice into a weeks time.  As we step back up and utilize repetition in the correct fashion our talents explode exponentially.  Add to that the climax of the stage or a competitive nature or setting and step into the lime light and we either crumble or flourish.  This seems to again all come down to how we view ourself.  Our past experiences from others may have helped build our own self image.  But the fact remains there is only one individual that has control of your actions and thoughts and that will always be you.  We may allow what others say or think to shake our state of calm collected thought.  But again this is a personal choice.  To truly understand and learn how to stand guard at the doorways of the mind is a critical tool in this world we share today.  There is simply too much goin on all at once.

  As always I thank you So much for your time taken to follow these thoughts I share.  We are working hard to get the beginning course sets ready so we can make them available as soon as possible.
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