Is it Ego? Or is it the Residual Self Image?

  The ego is a vast and large subject indeed.  Everyone gets one "Ego". Even our ego has an ego that has an ego.  We will never be rid of the ego, it will remain in all forms for all time.  The ego is how we are here and how we are solid mass.  It is how conciousness comes to know itself, you are conciousness.  All that needs to be done is to embrace all the sides of yourself and accept them.  But this is very dificult with today's fanatic lifestyles.  With so many people to impress our head spins there seems to be no end to the popularity contest that is life.  Our friends and lovers as well as family only reflect what we project.  But understanding the ego is a great start to taking control over your life back.

  As others would be mirror reflections of our self, or at least how we view ourself.  Everyone feels so important and so left out.  Why is this so you may wonder?  All due to our assumed abandonment as a youth.  As it were even when our parents left for work there was a sense of "attention entitlement" lost to the wind.  We may have even been taught to cry it out in the room alone in the dark.  Or actually abandoned by one or the other parent "one way or another or all together" while being raised in a supposedly broken home next to so many so called regular families.

  With the ego having such a large affect upon our own personal image there is little comfort to be found.  The ego and its purpose on the negative spectrum of the scale, is to make you feel alone so you know not to share that, simple as that.  The ego is also to make sure you won't just waste your life away in sorrow and misery the way most individuals do.  We just need to create, so that the art doesn't die inside.  Understanding the ego is all it takes to reverse these affects.  Now by no means will I be able to explain the ego in its entirety here within this thread of information.  But we can get started can't we.

  The life we live now a days is all over the place.  The ego is no exception.  Being and needing to be the center of attention.  The ego will find ways to sabotage everything in sight just to get an emotional response and a vibrant reaction.  What a practical little joker and trickster.  This emotional response won't ever be limited to any specific situation or moment.  This situational response has been reinforced by repetition over quite some time.  People places and things only remind us of the same old life we always find.  The thought of other individuals seems to only open up Pandora's box to suck us into the void of negativity.  How can we ever escape?  Somehow we must stop all the judgment and assumptions.

  We are the projector that creates the picture of reality that we perceive, and as we project, we also give reflection upon everyone involved.  As we lash out in anger or frustration, anyone in our path should and ought make way.  No one is exempt here.  Especially the ones closest to us.  After all we opened up to the world only to have them trample upon the heart we have gifted.  This assumption will only spread like wild fire in the mind of the tormented and abused, by self and others. This assumed self punishment knows no bounds.  If the inner coach couldn't drive you to success so then maybe belittling will.  After assuming we are nothing but tormented, that's all we will look for so, that is all we will find.  We shout out an accusation and get back what we give, in return both individuals "if only two people are involved" are now forced to reflect upon what either of you said.  The first reflection is all in order to have the first statement validated as well as pondered upon.  If we could only take the time to listen and think before we act and react again and again.  

  To embrace all sides of our self is truly devine.  In order to do this we must find a deep state of humbleness and humility.  We must recreate this reality by reprogramming how we will act and react.  That is if we want a successful life with friends and family that make a difference in our lives.  If the only mark we leave on others is a dark miserable experience, often times solitude or separation is the only answer for everyone involved.  This too can be embraced but we as human beings need human contact.  It is one of the basic human rights or necessities for mental stability.  We can leave into the woods or into the wild. But to do so with an unstable mind will fog cognitivity of thought and often times people venture off into nature while inside an enormous arguement with life and nature itself.  Arguing with nature won't ever work out in a survival situation.  If you can't stop complaining about every little thing all you have is an argument with life itself.  This will only make things dificult in every way imaginable.

  This has been a short overview of the egoic nature in my words and from my perspective.  This new perspective of mine is as different as it is the same as I have always viewed my life.  The only thing i have changed really is the tormented mind inside.  Understanding these things and coming to terms with them is very simple.  But we do need to see it all the way through for it's simplicity to become apparent.  The tormented past wants to remain.  That is how we have programmed reality for predominently our entire life.  It has become our form of comfort.  It is strange to me to have thrown opportunity away this whole time and it now finally dawn on me that life would and could be different if I only changed my attitude.  

  This really puts the ball in your court and a sense of self empowerment overflows.  To find and touch our true potential is sought after the world around... From Alexander the Great to Anthony Robbins and Joe Dispenza to the you that you truly are inside, are hiding behind the fear of others idea of acceptance.  Hiding behind how you view yourself, and others opinions, won't help matters. That only adds to the assumed turmoil.  

  I truly hope this helps us come to terms with how we add self abuse into the mix of our lives.  As soon as we have a shift in the ways we think we will break free of this self abuse.  No one else is really doing anything to us.  They may say something about something that they don't understand.  But deep down inside you know that is the truth, yet still want to let words spoken have a massive affect on how we proceed through our day to day experience.  This is all due to the dopamine and the rest of the chemicals or forms of drugs the body creates in moments of high stress responses...  "The slew of cocktails of emotions that we mix and sip"... "Because the dreams they bring back memories"... Each emotional response comes equipped with its own mixture of chemical combinations.  ADP gets added in any time our muscles twitch uncontrollably.  This is a chemical thats soul purpose is to activate mirror neurons in moments of life and death situations all in order to escape a supposed danger.  Then once danger is no longer a threat, we go back into calm collected comprehensive states of thinking.  The fight and flight response is just overdosed into our life now.  Hurry up and wait has become our idea of progression.  

 In closing I again thank you so much for your time. ๐Ÿ™  Your concious efforts to understand me and my thoughts means So So much to me.  When the world could be as cold as we precieve it.  All I feel from you all is warmth and unconditional acceptance.  We will have a large course on the ego as well as how to wash it clean and keep it that way.  This will also be addressed in our meditation courses and classes.  Stay tuned for an upcoming blog on "The Clean Form Of Pride."  It truly is all how we look at things.



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