The necessity of reprogramming the residual image

  The demand to review as well as reprogram one's residual image as well as understand how it is formed is critical in the modern world today.  The fanatic lifestyles of any individual has a layering affect upon the residual image.  So much so that if not understood severe psychotic snaps are sure to be the result.  Any form of any thought of suicide or assumption of devalue in one's self worth is a large sign that this is occurring.  Our personal character is constantly bombarded in the highly fanatic lifestyles our new world has to offer.  
  With the ability to fully submerge into V.R. and even before virtual reality, our computer software and their rapid advances have always been amazing tools that aid in the seperation of mind and body or from a life of assumed pain.  To be able to escape and live in a controlled environment or walk through someone else's imagination is absolutely amazing!  The books from our childhood have truly come to life.  Not to mention movies and special affects with improving layered story lines we truly live in an age where forms of time travel are at our fingertips. This is a tool and nothing more.

  If used properly this tool of seperation from our hectic lives can be a powerfull key in one's personal meditation practices.  But this is for the most part not quite realized by very many individuals at all.  In these worlds of imagination we are able to either hold integrity or capable of some hanus act's with no real repercussion at all.  This mentality has a thin line once we leave that controlled setting to return to our shared reality.  This would be beneficial if we could and would release our pent up emotions into the video games or activities we do.  That is what exercise and dedicated moments of deep contemplation or seperation are for.  Also simple activities are amazing ways to mentally manifest our emotions into physical objects.  From time to time just wash clean our assumed identity of importance to regain a level head in order to see ways of advancing equality.  Equality is simply much more lucrative in the short term as well as the long run.

  So to be able to rewrite your attitude to control your moods and ultimately your emotions is absolutely critical to the process of progressing a successful life.  The brain will naturally do this if allowed.  No one wants an experience of slavery that is dictated by the body and the brain driven by anger or vanity.  We simply cannot and are unable to enjoy life or feel content or complete while our residual images clash together as the titans that they are.  Our stubbornness knows no bounds, neither does our endless compassion and understanding.  It's an individuals choice as to where we sit on the scale of personal standards. "Responsibility is a heavy responsibility"  To truly succeed we just need to raise the bar a little bit and be more productive.  Setting a schedule is as simple as that.  With a little resilience combined with the understanding of how to change transformation is within our grasp. Every time we blink we do assessments inside assessments that ultimately reassure and reaffirm the current points of view we have or in other our new and improved current residual image used.  All we are is an ego.  The ego is how we see ourselves in this instance.  It really is that easy that simple and that fast.

  The understanding how information is received and retained as well as how often to revisit said information that dictates success is available.  Capabilities in the rewriting of our entire subconscious if this is what is necessary.  Which is mostly the case as so many people are unable to feel complete or as if the life lived has not been worth it.  Plastic surgery and self loathing is proof of this vanity that controls.  Plastic surgery has advanced neural science in many ways.  This void empty feeling of despair is all due to those beliefs clashing into one another.  The residual images of the past are challenging the residual image we are currently forming today.  As it were everyone wants to change.  

  The only problem is new information is the enemy.  The war on conciousness lives within the fog of domestic violence indefinitely untill we shed light upon the situations our life holds.  We are all just sick of being miserable.  Angry and don't really know or understand why.  "But it feels good"  Frustration shouldn't be in control of our life anymore and it doesn't need to be like that.  We are able to end fear and assumed pain as well as suffering in a few short weeks of thinking and not thinking.  Thinking in the correct manner only clears the fog of cognitivety from our mind.  As we stop our thought our brain and body take over and realign as well.  Allowing us to see clearly into situations to be able to find outcomes beneficial to everyone involved.  Eventually we just realize our reactions may not be healthy once they dictate our entire day.  Because they just simply are not healthy.  

  One thing after another in a never-ending bombardment of hurdles in life is all due to how we think about things.  We create these problems with our limiting beliefs all to prove to the self that we are unstoppable.  At times we just don't believe ourself or in ourself and this causes large problems.  People will naturally revert back into the cave and put up their defense mechanisms.  This only leads to seclusion and a habbit will become a personality trait once relied upon too often.  Comfort is found in the strangest places.  The simple ways in which we destroy ourselves are very small and almost invisible.  As it were our belief systems always lead us in what we assume to be down the correct course of action.  This is due to our past experiences always ending up and being like this that or the other.  That mentality is the problem in the first place.  

  Funny thing about the truth. The truth will allow you to believe whatever you like.  Still just waiting to be found right near where we were looking.  Well, the truth won't ever hold anything against you.  Only gives us a sense or a feeling of "I told you so" as we figure it all out.  The truth just sits there shining through.  In conclusion our residual images and the power to control them as well as our lives is within our grasp.  We may as a species begin progressing to open or press upon the percentage of our minds capabilities that we use in our day to day lives.  Expanding our capacities exponentially.  This change will occur very rapidly in the near future.  The linking of both hemispheres of the mind is critical in our mental health as well as abilities.  That seperation of hemispheres is the egoic cry of abandonment. The art is screaming to get out!  Don't let the art die inside you.  The possibilities humanity holds are absolutely limitless.

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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