Within the fog looking out at a world upside down that we can change.

  We are all deep inside the fog of domestic violence.  Even as we ourselves have in ways stepped outside of the cycle.  We are still sucked back into the void and nothingness of negativity in ways that are seemingly invisible.  Hence the fog of domestic violence. The fog of domestic violence hides the ego as it hides behind our supposed freedom of speech.  As it were we all take it out on the ones closest to us assuming that our family we form will never ever leave us. Not even if we are the worst side we can be and that's all we show people.  This forms into a personality trait eventually after we feed the mood of jumping into emotions more and more. The emotions are all too enticing and we simply jump to conclusions without understanding that that is what we are doing.  As it feels like all you are doing is standing up for yourself we don’t see an issue with telling anyone anything nor how we say what we say. This invisible form of self abuse really adds up in moments of stress and accomplishments faced that we will or will not achieve.  The way we view ourselves is the issue at stake here. The self punishment that ensues from dwelling on our failures no matter how seemingly insignificant will build into a habit of belittling one's self image into the mold from the clay that it is. Our beliefs hold fast and hold true to our past experiences, proof provided.  We just won’t let go of what got us to where we think we are. All our past experiences came with a slew of triumphs as well as failures assumed to be so important to our self image and as simple as how we believe others look at us combined with what they might think of us all forms a belief structure of assumed assault. An onslaught of self abuse is just as natural as an onslaught of encouragement.  The two just get mixed up.

  It is easy to see but hard to understand what is happening when one begins to form habits of a negative nature.  It just feels natural to get a little upset when things don’t just go our way. After all they should and often times always will and do if we utilize our vivid imagery and a positive emotional attitude combined with the clear intention correctly.  The utilization of our imagination and mental rehearsal skills and tools is all it really takes to shape our personal appearance as well as the surroundings we experience. From doors we close off and bridges we burn with the mental attitude of expectant rage.  To the hallways we find filled with doors of opportunity swung wide open left for the taking for us by us. This is not how it appears if we only have a negative attitude and outlook upon others as well as society in general. The complaints and arguments from our youth just stick with us until we just take the time to address the demons that we run from.  The demons that we have personally created and seem to keep finding ways to find us in our darkest moments of strife and need. These moments seem to not only expand in intensity but also in frequency of occurrence. This small problem may show up in small forms of worry that make us worry or problems that just become bigger and more problems. The self destruct button once pressed may be reversible if we simply take a step back and backtrack, back peddle, or review the past experiences in a new light.

  There are many tools involved that the courses found through our school will supply you with upon enrollment.  The many ways in which we are capable of reviewing our experiential past are numerous. But before those are even able to be applied we must consume a bit of information and understand some other ways of thinking.  Understanding how the self abuse in the forms of criticism, doubt and fear or any form of belittling of one's personal character gets combined in with encouragement or the inner coach becomes the inner critic will be critical in unraveling the truth of our moments and experiences.  They all just get mixed up together into the same cocktail of emotions that we sip and mix. Extreme moments of stress will ensure we are drunk on this jungle juice of emotions we have concocted. It is easy to confuse any sidetracking or distractions from said goal and associate them with a negative thought process or a failure.  How we deal with people is no exception. But our attitude will consume and drag us further down the downward spiral. 

  There is a way to reverse this epigenetic affect due to the existence of our predispositional genes of violence with simple constructive criticism distributed in the correct forms and fashions as well as with the correct timing.  It's all how we speak to ourself as well as how we speak to others. Finding and forming ways of seeing a misstep or a supposed mistake and reaffirming how we view them are only some of the things the courses we have in store for your will provide.  To turn that moment and those emotions into a form of trigger in the other aspect so to speak. Using this opportunity to remember all the old forms of past success. We naturally revisit all our past experiences instantaneously through the speed of thought with blinders on.  To use this to our advantage is and can be only natural. In the correct manor or in the correct way we can train to view this compiled success and use that in a very constructive and healthy way. It is critical to a productive life that we not allow this mentality to keep or take hold in the first place. 

  Following down the path left by this destructive nature is as natural as the path left in its wake.  The forming of an emotion into a mood and attitude to mood and attitudes spawned from emotions only form into personality traits once dwelled upon for a duration of time.  Enough time goes by and our emotions become our moods and in turn form into our personality and wont allow us to change our minds from the beliefs set in place underneath the running thought that we assume to be the you you take yourself for. We can in turn utilize the same process to reverse this affect and take control of our life back.   That residual or self image that limits or allows greatness from individuals once understood and harnessed as the allied force our residual images are capable of becoming. We will remain split at the seams until we face the music and find a way to understand the information that has become the enemy.

  There is no real reason we believe anything other than we decided to do so.  What we assumed to be a threat in the past has now become around every corner.  As it were the fog of domestic violence in the form of negativity or assumed assault confines us into our actions and emotional responses to only play out in that same old fashion.  We simply find that we build our own walls to climb. La Drio will find you. Our defense mechanisms will fly up once we feel any form of assumed attack from any direction. Surrounded by fear and assumed pain we will revert back into the cave of seclusion for an assumed form of protection.  Our residual image will hide even from itself. The only thing that truly ever challenges us is our own clashing of personal standards. Our past version of the self won’t allow for second rate or the failure of defeat. We will either come to terms with what a rough draft is...  Or the torment of assumed failures will compile upon themselves until and individual either throws it all away or just gives up.  The only way to have any other outcome is to come to terms with the steps towards success and the fact that they don’t always feel like they help in any way.  

  As we view any high tech guidance systems groping through the dark at wrong answers till we find the target is the only way to stay on target while understanding that off target is not the goal.  Most of the engagement is a series of wrong answers or not target conclusions to find once close enough the target is nothing but correct answers. This guidance system technology is based directly upon the brain and how we find a pen on a table or the phone off of the desk.  It is how any goal is achieved. Only due to the complexities of the human brain will blinders to these functions capabilities as well as how the function works remains a mystery. The speed of thought is simply just too fast to realize and comprehend. 

  The reassurance of moments of triumph and assumed failure is to be delt with as such. The correct forms of constructive criticism should be utilized always in either event. Any time we fall down we naturally flow through the mind with mostly triumph and success. Use this feeling and understanding to fuel further endeavours with a positive winning attitude. Take hold of success in all the little steps along the way and they will naturally be stored in a well of emotional responses that always provide a positive momentum. This ensures success to always follow. Find us @ Martin' School of Thought for a slew of online courses that will unlock your potential in ways you may have not have thought possible. 

As always 


And thank you for your time and consideration



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