Are you a Loan Wolf when it all falls apart and life get's hectic? Do you take advisory head on with a forceful mentality and a fist full of rage?

  The loan wolf mentality is one we are all familiar with in some ways, even if we don't really realize it. At times the walls close in and we feel there is nowhere to turn. As we have bent over backwards for others and now in a time of need there is no-one to be found. Seemingly ignoring your attempts to devise a plan of action that calms the chaos. But for some reason when things are really close to the wire our attitude finds the same attitude. Don't ya just love it when your attitude cops an attitude? There is little solace to be found from acquaintances that just have better things to do. You may take things personally only to exasperate the situation you find yourself in. Not knowing that you make and create the interactions faced will cause quite a bit of confusion on top of our desired outcomes. It is very hard to understand how the manifestation proccess works while we are upset and feeding off of chemical responses.

    Those chemical responses are all we are ever truly after. Now I know what that sounds like. If you are able to read into the meaning of addiction you will feel what is written. The only thing any of us is truly addicted to is life itself. Basically everything you see or could touch would release the same chemical responses. Any chemical foreign or man made is created within the body. Understanding how to release them on demand comes from entering into the self through meditation. "Meditation" whats that?
Meditation is simply thinking over your actions, thoughts, intentions and desires. Asking personal questions that open and unlock our personal capabilities and potential.
  This is a far fetched mentality to the lone wolf.  The lone wolf looks out to the exterior world for answers. When everyone and everything is against you the world solidifies exponentially. The vibrations of matter changing matter takes time and lots of it. The ability to move things physically is ment to be a simple stress test and nothing more. But through negativity we just get So passionate that it hurts. Soon as we hit the walls we form in front of ourselves. These mental walls form into reality soon as that rage comes out into spoken word. The thoughts themselves are bad enough and will limit the construct our reality holds for us. 

  The mental pity party of "why don't they care" and "all they ever do is use me" only opens up Pandora's box. This vacume of accusations never seems to stop untill we finally give up. Just like the 7 year old version of ourselves that needed to kick and scream till we either got our way or ran out of energy and focus on that specific subject. Funny thing about focus, most people only focus on moments of assumed trauma and pain.  The ego would have it no other. Everyone gets one and that's just how that tricky little guy works. We all share one mind in the form of source information. To access infinite intelligence is always happening same as meditation and manifestation. Everything in the cycle of life but humanity holds hands! Time is space as well as nothing at all, at all times. Nothing is more something than what we think something is.

  This is again, far fetched to the lone wolf mentality of seclusion that falls into consumption of fake power and fear. Following the footsteps of our parents is only natural. But the belief structures they set in place are absolutely hog wash at best. The game of forgetting to remember that you know everything is all about the ego and its essence trapped in the literal mirror for eternity. The art inside of you that has been lost and forgotten due to our history of violence. The snap of our identity into a mild form of split personality complex is complex to say the least. Almost invisible as you stare it down every time you see yourself. Or in actuallity humanity in general cowars to the true self and fals victim to the ego and its twisted mentality of seperation and segregation. Sadly the ego will stare you down into submission through a negative mentality of low self worth. You are the manifestation as well as the one that manifests.
  Thank you again for your time and consideration. With so many sides to our ego and mentalities this is a drop in the ocean of knowledge on the subject. To learn how to control the ego and its seclusion side effects of pain visit the website for affordable online classes. They will be available soon on the website
๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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