Can we washing clean the ego to rid the self of the loneliness and despair of depression?

  The ego will make you feel alone and desperate with no one to turn to.  The loan wolf mentality is just a small byproduct of the lies the ego has to offer.  We will buy into the ego hook line and sinker so to speak and swan dive right into the deep end of despair.  "I sure hope someone was able to witness my form"  The ego is absolute vanity and a cry for attention.  All linked into our childhood dreams of becoming somebody people admire and look up to.  That simple little dream has formed into a whirlwind of a nightmare, or so it seems.  The monkey mind will not give up or supply a moments rest.  We just all have something to say and someone is gonna hear it!  Even if no one is able to understand our negative banter. That mentality never gets expressed fully nor understood by anyone we ever meet.  People just figure you have anger issues or problems with your loving personal relationships.  After all, we always seem to just get over it eventually. Even passing the buck seems to pass the buck of blame.

  But do we really get through it or just get over it?  Is it packed down like a speed bump we keep finding?  Or did we actually relequish the traumatic experience?  For the most part people just pack it down and get over it. Not actually understand the situation for the lessons that it holds.  We always have those pesky opinions that just dictate our every thought, word, as well as action.  "Somewhere something has got to give, right"?  "Somebody out there cares, right?"  Those questions should never even pop up, let alone gain any momentum from any attention or focus.  But the ego will show us differently.  Those thoughts keep popping up so, they must be valid-I'm gonna go think that....  Following the running thought is just a habit formed from doing it most of our life.  Never being told anything about the running thought or how it has connection to our subconcious will keep us ever in the dark.  Lurking and lingering in the shadows so to speak.  The shadows of information can be dark and lonely at times. Knowing what you know can seem like you know what you know while being mistaken without even knowing it.

  The empty fear of solitude and wanting to feel alone go hand in hand.  Like a walk in the park with the friend you love to hate or hate to love.  The coach that always talks down to you.  The person you turn to in need but then just laughs and watches you smash your thumb.  The ego is the one that smashed the thumb in the first place.  But for some reason we keep coming back to the abuse.  All it is, is self abuse till we fill the cup that is you and it spills over onto others.  That is the egos game and bag of tricks.  Never my fault always someone else.  The conatant passing of the buck or pointing a finger of blame, plus the lack of responsibility all adds up to the same answer.  Your ego is almost invisible and will only stop up your capabilities.  For as strong as we think it is, it just can't take even a tinny scratch or else an emotional explosions is sure to follow.

  Washing the ego is the best we will ever be able to do.  The devil on our shoulder has a little devil on its shoulder.  Even when we do something we think is good or helps others, our ego will vain the credit and overflow any emaculite intentions.  The center of attention is the only place the ego wants to be.  The center of your attention, that is.  For all its addiction to attention, all the ego will ever attempt to do is make you feel utterly alone.  Nothing more and nothing less.  The picture found inside the mirror is an echo of our experiential past that goes all the way back to the beginning of time.  As well as just the beginning of our personal life.  This mortality has its perks as well as its prices.  The ego is one of them and actually both if we understand how to utilize it.  All the ego happens to be is a tool to be used correctly.
  Understand, that as soon as we act or speak, or anything for that matter, so far as to say even think the thoughts we think. This is the ego being First in line!  First and foremost will be our opinions and a long list of them.  Even once we assess information, before we react, the reaction will still be compiled from files that the ego has access to. In turn finding ways to hide and mask itself even further.  We must Always be aware that the ego exists and is in control most of the time.  Even the good side of you is just a good side of the human sphice and thus connected to and a huge part of the ego.  Half of it in all actuality, and yet another reason as to why everything is a direct product of domestic violence.  Just don't let "domestic violence" attack your ego.  That term is dirty, and linked into all sorts of atrocities that I don't even want to think, let alone list here. Those words hurt my entity and soul down to it's deepest core!  Even speaking about domestic violence at times destroys me and I just can't do anything but cry for humanity. Just to make all the efforts I can to inform others about how to end the cycle entirely!  This is my lifes mission and goal now.

  As always I thank you so much for your time.  Do stay tuned to be able to wash your ego clean and understand it entirely.  With so much happening in our lives and our ever changing world. It is imperative to take hold the rains again.  To control ourself, our future, as well as our emotional responses and goals, we must take ourself seriously.  No one else can do this for you.  The couses we are providing will facilitate you with everything you need to transform.  But ultimately it is your decision to contact us and take the steps towards success.  We will get you there because we are here for you!  It is all up to us as individuals. But our team knows how to open you up and unlock your potential.
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