Is how we consume art or our artists a thing of the past?

  The way we even view artists has a new aspect of immersion involved. We simply cant get enough. Every album release is played over and over till we are sick of it. Even then our favorite songs from that release will always play on a loop when we throw that disk in or even think of that band or solo artist. This also happens with our favorite sports and movie starts. With paparazzi and the addiction to living someone elses life vicariously, driven by mirror neurons things tend to get distorted. It is always as if we are in the driver's seat and nothing can stop us. We just can't wait for them to create! The days of waiting till our artists to pass away to be appreciated is a thing of the past. They just can't keep up with our mass consumption. Be it any genre of media, the need for more entertainment has become apparent. With the addiction to your phone in control, all day long we are in constant contact with what we want to be "in the know" about. 

  The addition to the phone would be simple enough if it weren't the master of the house. As we drive and jump to that bell we risk life and limb. Every time the phone dings with a notification we hop into position to get a reward with a salivating mouth. Similarly to if not identical with good ol' Pavlov and his trusty companion. We are programmed due to the body being programmable. This animalistic shell of a body that we call home is not quite understood by the general public. When manifestation comes into play we see all sorts of interesting occurrences through physical fitness. Through thought alone the body is able to train in resilience, recollection of muscle retention, as well as able to practice and sharpen those attributes, & much more. There is little to wonder about as to why we are so immersed into our artists lives. The Olympic games are always at our fingertips. At any given moment any one of them could slip from grasp.

  The art isn't all that matters anymore. The art is an amazing byproduct of the connection made. Witnessing each other and ourselves as a species flourish is the addiction now. We just know we can do that too! If we could only ever find it in us to try. Just to begin is to win. If we never start we will never finish. The intimidation factor of being embarrassed is enough to clam up any pair of hands in the land. Depending upon our childhood belief structures our abilities to begin may be compromised without even knowing it. The constant banter of "hey batter batter" has personal ramifications unknown. As you enter into that banter it is a repetition of negative NLP that sticks with nobody but yourself. NLP makes all the difference in the world and neural linguistics programming is all we ever truly do.

  The negative form of NLP keeps us inside a cage of rage. The constant consumption of anger and "I could do that but better" feeds a fire of pain. If we would simply start we would be something impressive ourselves. But the fear of ridicule instilled by our own mental chatter at the batter keeps us backed into a corner. The fear that we will be ridiculed or look ridiculous keeps that fire burning hotter than the fires of desire. We only have so much focus and what we focus on becomes the reality that surrounds us. In the world where thoughts become things it is safe to say, that if we think it through, we will find the answers we are searching for. 

  Waiting for our art to be made seems to take too long now. So we just find more and more artists to love and cherish. This can become a bit of an addiction as well when we spend more and more time involved in a world not our own. We tend to get lost in the moment of thought at a moments notice. The speed of thought can be overwhelming and take control at times. This is the soul reason standing guard throughout the corridors of the mind is imperative. At any moments notice anyone can think anything and do anything as well. Mental blocks and locks can snap at anytime. The "treat of the life half lived" is and can be overwhelming to the point of personal consumption or envious greed. There is no telling what the mind driven by negativity can or will do at any moment. Especially once alcohol is involved, but we all handle ourselves in different manners. It all ends up being personal choices and decisions that form our lives.

  Don't wait Create! Begin today and journal, jog, play and paint. Do whatever you can to remain active, vibrant and young. We believe what we perceive through the webs we weave into our dreams. Trust in yourself and begin in order to win. Lest a nightmare form from the mist of the mind to consume the dream we share and live. 

  As always I thank you for your time and consideration. Stay safe and healthy in the time our world finds.

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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