The cave in which we dwell. Is it a sanctuary or a Hell?

  The mental construct of a cave is all we will ever really know. As it were, as soon as we come out of our dwelling "cave". We enter into a world of confusion and mayhem. Life in the exterior world is chaotic and dangerous to say the least. With everything seemingly out to get you or dangerous. Our protective or survival mechanisms will fly up at a moment's notice. For most individuals this is a reaction and not a controlled response. The mentality of a victim only has us feel as if there is always something hunting you. Always looking over your shoulder to make sure you aren't into anything of a back alley nature. Your subconscious will only always attempt to save you. After all, that is what our self preservation functions have to offer. As we program these parts of the body and brain without understanding anything about it all. It tends to have us on edge and anxious all the time.

  This form of anxiety is natural to an extent. As it were, we should end our stress response in under 2 minutes. But as we are human beings we enjoy getting upset just as much as being happy. These are the kind of programs I am talking about. The chaotic programms that stuck with us from childhood. We will find ways of getting them all changed to transform and grow. But only once we realize we might have a few issues. Even the word issue is a trigger word, so if it excites you in any way, be warned. It is through simple little realizations such as this, through which we find our way home. Back into the knowing of all things. I know that sounds kind of mystical or something of that nature. But I assure you, you come stock with the knowing of eternity. Our simple beliefs keep us held back, or slingshot us into the beyond. Simple beliefs make things into what they become. At least how we perceive things to be.

  As we grow and learn our old beliefs will see friction and feel challenged. This will often times upset us for many reasons. The most predominant one being, we just always wanna be right about everything. This is a huge side of the ego that not many will ever understand much about. Validation has many sides and forms. Any sliver of the fog of domestic violence will consume us entirely, if we aren't careful. Thats due to it being invisible enough to never even notice it. Our perceptions stunted and limited due to our beliefs structures limitations. We will never really understand the fabrics of time and space by looking at exterior stimulation of any kind. At least not in the ways we have been doing for most of our lives. As we climb up to the hip level of the giants of before, their shoilders seel so far out of reach. This is due to looking at the mountain instead of looking inside yourself. Those giants got that large by coming inside to weather the storm humanity has to offer. You can too, with simple meditation practices provided through Martin's Movements. An amazing world awaits you on the other side of the gates to your soul. Right on the other side of frustration and anger that lead to anxiety.

  This too is a cave, but one built into a sanctuary for all time. As we come inside to reconstruct our lives the world around us shifts to our will. The manifestation needs direction as well as purpose to find balance throught our life. You have set forth these intentions and programs. By following suit with social norms we have fallen into the flow of unhealthy forms of competition. The simple popularity contest that is life builds up to a boiling point that won't simmer down at times. It takes a bit of dedication to come out of the tailspin we find we have created. This is all due to that silly little release response of dopamine and serotonin. Chemicals of this nature that are created inside the body and released on demand. Quantum health is within our grasp. If we only open up and feel the body, feel. We are capable of programming the body to listen to every desire you have. With a simple routine added to a bit of desiccated.

  Through a schedule and dedication you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Some goals may take more time and adjustments. But nevertheless, you will get there if you begin and then stick to it. Follow through till you are done and form a habit out of finishing things up.  Becoming a finisher is the most progressive thing you can decide to do with your time and life. It only takes 5 minutes to see some serious results, once you begin knowing it will only take you a minimal amount of effort. This is due to doing things often and making small tasks disapear through tenacity. Adding foresight to intention will help build reasons to keep achieving more goals.

  With so much to go over as to how to become a finisher it is in the first book of the series. That is now available on our website or through me @ or on Facebook @ Martin.Madrid526 
Be sure to brouse the books that have just beed released.
As always I thank you for your time and consideration.

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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