You are the art inside, will you let yourself break free?

  You are the art attempting to break free! The echo of time forgotten ready to find its home on the canvas that is life. Nothing can hold you back but you. Break free the chains that bind you as you experience this experience. The art flows through the two hands you change the world with. There is no medium that is not art. Through the flow of practice finding your inner artist comes with ease. Even sweeping steps has a Zen aspect to it that can melt you into the act. This is reffered to as Wue Wei as the game plays the game. Even life itself is an art to be mastered. The art of walking becomes a run and then a dance. There is even an art to falling down mentally as well as physically. There is an art in getting back up. There is an art to love, life, and death. We even play with art while we eat. When we add curiosity to our day there is an art to that. There may be no need to see the art you create as long as you feel it's existence. As soon as you feel the art, inspiration consumes and fuels our personal drive. Art is truly a pillar of society and the structure built would topple without the realease of the egoic nature that art combats. Art is truly all there ever was.

 As we look around at even architecture the art blossoms and blooms. Lighting up the mind into the forced vivid imagery of other individuals imaginations. Dependimg on your own personal exposure our options are either limited or wide open. It's all within the construct of the mind. Our life's limitations due to the lack of arts and crafts being emphisized in our youth, we do have options available. Taking the time and making the effort for our children in the critical stages of production will make all the difference. Not only is it an amazing bonding experience but it also sets forth the building blocks towards further achievements in life. The exposure to others in an artistic setting is an amazing space for social bonding. Art is not only how you find yourself but also how you create youself, as well as from what medium you spawn from. Art is truly all you ever are and all you will ever see. Someone took the time to create everything we intake.

  As the art stays inside, you will always hide behind frustration and fears. The ego will rip at the very fibers of the canvas that you are, to be painted and get out. Dare to be an individual to step out of the mold and create.  To create is the only way to feed the ego in healthy ways. To create is the only way to feed the need of attention the separation of hemispheres requires. The brain is a creative machine that will make and solve problems that art has the answers for. With art in any form you will be able to separate from the egos segregation of sanity. The popularity contest that is life would have you hide from creating anything due to the threat of embarrassment. We all think we need to impress others so much so that it will stop our creative nature.

  This is a mistake and to live free is all we need. Trying to impress others that really won't change things in your life and will only will rip you apart. The contest to impress is nothing but a money pit of pain and suffering. Doing more and more to fill a void that is created through egoic consumption will only dig a hole on top of yourself. This form of self abuse is all too common today. It seems that we want help with our problems so badly that the only way to separate from them is to separate from others. Thrown is a term used by the youth of today representing drug addiction and prostitution, or simply going the distance in self abuse due to the lone wolf mentality and it's facade of power. "The world is always against me" will run through the mind of the lone wolf in order to validate the reasons for being "Thrown."

  The only way out is to go all the way in. With this mentality thick inside the mind of the self abused there is no light and no tunnel. There is only here and now and here and now consists of the worst past experiences layered on top of one another in a series of self destitution. With no avenues towards any forms of success the streets are the only answer. How else could you throw the bricks of domestic violence back at the world? In the mind of the self abused reality is a construct of pain that needs retaliation. Unknowingly recreating reality just to complain about it because thats the only thing that feeds their true addiction to pain and anguish. What ever is wired together fires together and neural science may have had the answers all along. We simply feel we are always correct as we recreate yesterday and that is and isn't wrong.

 Thank you for your time and consideration. As always classes on this subject will be available through as well as personal/spiritual coaching all at an affordable rate. Our website is currently in construction and will be ready in the near future.

Martin Joseph Madrid
๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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