The mental cave in which we dwell may be the only thing we ever truly know. Ensuring it is a sanctuary and not a cave of seclusion may be a simple choice.

  The mental cave will either be a sanctuary or a cell. As we dwell on negativity our mind seems to make the walls close in on us. Only able to think of the wprdt case scenario is only natural. As we are able to precieve things as they are as well as how we think they should be. Our worst fears seem to keep us from taking action. Finding that we weren't ever in danger still won't keep us from imagining the worst of the worst. The truth behind the truth remains in the darkness. The mind that assumes attack will find reasons of feeling attacked. As the persecuted will always assume persecution. Our mentality dictates everything about how we precieve what happens. Keeping an open mind may or may not help much. Letting our thought run wild is common in our lives today. If you don't understand what the thought on top is saying. Then the contradictions that arise will only cause confusion. An addiction to following the running thought will form into many forms of action. Especially as an individual trains the body to be in control of the mind. The brain is part of the body and it is programmable. Learning how is within grasp with your grasp. 

  The cave in which we dwell will be dictated by the mentality held onto. It will depend on if we as individuals are able to see through the control and power issues society has to offer. The popularity contest that is life will be all too overwhelming to a negative mentality. The life of strife seems to be everywhere as we look around. Finding out that it had all been self toment and torture. Remaining in denial of the fact that our mentality controls reality only hurts more. Someone has got to take the blame. As passing the buck has become the accepted norm. No-one seems to ever take responsibility for their actions. Everyone is ready to blame someone but never take accountability. On top of that settling for the minimal effort from the self doesn't help. Self torment equals out to be self torture. Self abuse will eventually fill the cup that is you to the point of overflowing. Spoiling the silver platter of abundance life has to offer us. Not able to recognize the fact that we do it all to ourselves seems to be an infection that plagues humanity.

 In the same way that the fog of domestic violence plauges the globe, we are all infected in numerous ways. Even if you have as a family stepped through verbal abuse. You will still be forced into the world with the rest of the heathens that have not. Most families never really hold any desire to end any forms of self abuse. In turn never able to break free from the chains we bind ourselves with. You may never be able to see all the way through the fog as it is precieved to be the vail. The fog has many layers that once you step all the way through, you will know it. Seeing through time and intention are a byproduct of this level of awakening. Not many will ever reach the omega point until death. A death in this life or entering into the next. The you that you were must be put to rest, for your own sake. For us to realize the capability of a human body remains out of reach for the most part. The potentials of a human being are absolutely limitless. We as we sit, have the top of the line to date version of the human body and brain. As those are both part of the same unit or "animal" thatvwe infect with consciousness. You are much more than meets the eye. Not only are you more than the sum of your own thoughts. You are a direct reflection of what you could be. Also, so much more.
  Understand, that the cave in which we dwell will be controlled by our own attitude. No one will ever control how you experience what you experience but you. It will all come down tonhow you look at things. You could shift your outlook at any moment in order to accept others for who they are and what they have been through. The only reason anyone does anything at all will be confined or expanded due to fear. The outlook of fear and courage are also holding hands. So close they are inseparable. In the same way that love holds hands with hate. The culidascope of emotions is similar to the one of perceptions. Through focus of passion we fimd clarity. Either in and through pain or pleasure. Not knowing the difference can be a side affect of the infection that domestic violence is. Not many will ever come to the realization of self inflicted hurdles in life. Most people will go most of their life thinking things just happen to you and not because of you. That inside out mentality runs rampant across the earth. Seemingly no-one is immune.

  Now, we are able to control the destination of what cave we mentally retreat to. To find ourselves inside a cave of with warmth and a sense of overwhelming calm is a choice. Knowing you are unconditional acceptance will allow your sanctuary to form a wall or shield from negativity. The negative thought processes are what drag us into that cave of assumed attack in the first place. To be able to control this state being is a capability everyone possesses. To control your thoughts is all it takes. Part of controlling your thoughts is understanding what they are all saying. Most of the time if you don't get what you think you want. You really never wanted that in the first place. You know what you will and won't settle for. So to try and force anything is almost as insane as not jumping at real opportunities. But again fear will either keep you frozen in inaction. Or make you get off your back and move with great precision. When life an limb is on the line your mirror neurons will perform at the top of their capabilities. That is if we are able to relinquish into them and allow them to take over the control of our body. The chemical release responses will also be overpowering to say the least. Making the best of the situation is a simple mental shift you too can perform.

As this is a difficult task at times. Especially in certain stages of our lives that are dictated by our own exposure to life and reality. We often need an outside point of view or some added perspectives. With more ways of looking at situations we can find many forms of solace. Understanding that no one ever ment to hurt anyone can help immensely. Finding out everyone is just as frightened as anyone else and protecting themselves is very eye opening. Some simple short conversations can get you through those mental shifts in order to find control and clarity. The meditations I have created can really enter you into stillness instantaneously. Flowing into the now with ease is very energizing.
As always I thank you for your time and consideration. Our team is available for spiritual/life coaching through

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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