Explain it to me like I am 5. Why do kids get mad so quickly? Why do kids lose their temper to then take it out on others?

  Everything we think about has a direct affect on the habits we make and create. The things we think are all built through our habits. Our habits create our thoughts. The way we think about what happens will change the way we see things. Our feelings are thoughts that have a surge of energy that make us take notice. People act how they feel and what they have been brought. Some people teach each other through pain. How and what we think is all a reflection of how we are treated. Or at least what we think will control what we value. Most families share a value system that revolves around material objects. The toys and things become more important than the moments we share. The most important aspect of life is to enjoy this experience. To share our time with one another and actually enjoy each others company.
  The most important sides of life get lost in the confusion of wants and desires. As we as parents aren't able to give our children everything we would like to ot builds animosity. A deep and hidden pain that shows up in the strangest ways. Getting upset at those we care about seems to just be how some people talk to each other. They have been talked to like that their entire life. A tradition formed through fear. Fear has many faces that look different but feel the same. Humans are also animals and have a problem with consumption. But it feels better to give then to take. Giving and taking both come with a bunch of emotions. Those feelings we feel will shape what we believe in. More than that, our feelings shape how we act and who we become. To have the life of your dreams all you really need to do is be nice.
  Just look at how other kids act and feel. Do they feel good for a long time when they treat others poorly? Or does treating people bad and getting what you want and only make you want more and more? Do kids that act out really get what they want and stay happy? Or do kids that last out fell left out? Why are they acting that way we may wonder. Why do kids make a lot of noise to just feel bad about being bad? Do they enjoy getting into trouble? It seems like they don't but always find ways to get back in trouble again. So many people never ask themselves questions because they are afraid of mental health. The way people look at therapy is through a filter of pain and fear. Holding onto pain becomes what people do. Seeing how our parents act and treat people teach us how to act.
  When we were children there was little to no difference to now. Sure the toys are nicer and seem more important as we grow up. But it always hurts to see someone else go without. To see someone else in pain reminds us of when we hurt in ways. We are all able to feel each other as we see and understand more. The more we spend time with our friends the more we feel alike. This can be dangerous because some people learn what love is through hurting each other. Just getting things mixed up and inside out is all they are doing. As we grow up things get more complicated if aggravation is how we deal with things. When things happen some kids get mad and some kids can handle the pressure. Pressure from what we think others are thinking. The importance to impress someone else is something that hurts us inside. You should never try and be better than anyone else. But you should also never stop getting better. Never stop bettering yourself. Never hold anything over anyone's head in any way. Always help each other grow.
  Being better than someone else should never be a part of what you desire. You will always find things that you are very good at. Other people will help you if you help them. What you are good at is your gift. Gifts are meant to be shared. As you share your gifts, your friends will share theirs. Helping each other is more than natural. Helping one another is how we get better and better at what we are good at. The same goes for everyone we will ever encounter. We are all equal and need to always remember that. We also need to remember what it feels like to be left out. Feeling left out is why those kids act out for attention. Wanting to get attention is something everyone will need to deal with. Not wanting to be the center of attention is also something everyone will have to deal with. We are never alone and always keep everyone in our hearts and memories. In an instant, we can close our eyes and remember. The best of times are always ther at the blink of an eye. Don't ever focus on pain or memories in the wrong ways. Self abuse is a void that is very difficult to escape.
  Through thought alone we will remember ever single word. Every word, every moment, good and bad. We need to think before we act and never hurt anyone, especially yourself. Being mean to yourself is why those kids act the way they do. Hurting someone else is a way to feel something. Someone that can't feel good about themselves only hurts inside. So, that is what they are able to share. You can only give away something you actually have. Parents of kids that hurt themselves unknowingly taught them how to do that. But they really don't think they are acting any different than anyone else. Being different is normal, but so is feeling the same. How we look at things is all that ever really matters. The way we look at things shapes the way we see things. Understanding each other can be complicated, but it also can be simple. Accept everyone for who they are and thank them for the burdens that they bare.
  We all carry the weight of the world on our shoulders in our own ways. Some of us can handle the weight we carry because we don't force it into others. Some people won't think they can handle that weight and take it out on others. They feel left out and that is all. We all want to make things better and nothing more. The best feeling in the world is to share yourself with those you care about. The best way to make friends is to show compassion and share the best version of yourself. The only reason kids that act out hide from that side is because it gets them in trouble at home. Not always but sometimes. Sometimes seeing the best side of someone else makes people upset. Upset because we know we could and should share peace together. It is scary to see yourself becoming what you don't want to be. It feels like you let yourself down. Forgiving yourself and everyone else is the only way to feel better. So scary to people that hurt others that they just get confused and do what feels normal. Finding comfort in pain is no way for anyone to live, but people get confused. They never allow themselves to feel unconditional acceptance.
  Unconditional acceptance has some sides to it that allow others to hurt and find happiness. We will always be accepted. Acceptance is all around but people don't always feel like they are accepted. Feeling as if we are not accepted makes people act up and lash out. It makes people feel fear. Being afraid makes us treat people in the worst ways. To then never let yourself live it down. We always know better than to take it out on anyone else. Doesn't hurting others always get us into trouble? Not just in trouble when someone else sees. In trouble in other ways. Doesn't being mean make other problems seem to make problems find you? That happens to everyone and we are all equal. Even if it only happens to you every once an a while. How often does that happen to kids that seem to make problems for themselves? Don't you think we could do better than all of that? What do you think about when you get into trouble? Thinking of solutions is different than thinking of ways not to get caught. Thinking of ways "not to get caught" only makes the same problems repeat themselves.
  Love yourself and everyone else to find the life of your dreams. You will be taken care of and be able to take care of each other. Make close bonds and relationships. Friendship ties us to one another in ways that will always prosper. Keep in mind to always look at ways that help everyone involved. With everyone holding that in their hearts we will always find positive outcomes. Positive outcomes that make everyone feel accepted. Always feed yourself love and compassion. People that feed themselves hatred and anger have a heavy burden to carry. It only takes a second to give away a smile to brighten up their day and yours. That is really what is important, to enjoy one another.
๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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