Is self control attainable? Or is it for someone else that has self control, are they better than me?

Is there a way to find self control? Can I find my way back into enjoying life? Will I be able to taste the fruits of my labor and live again? I know I'm upset, how can I change that? Has anyone ever been able to turn this anger around? If they did, shouldn't I be able to too?

  Self control is the peak of the human experience, is it not? Saught after the world around! With our evolutionary track leading out of the animalistic desires of the body. Self control is always close within grasp. Yet so far out of reach it seems almost impossible. As we jump into emotional reactions because that is all too natural. We tend to lose sight of what is really important. As we are caught up in the whirlwind of emotions due to exposure to exterior stimulation. Also kept from interwoven connection because of the same exposure. Desensitization is a strange experience. As we expose ourselves to anything, desensitization is a byproduct. How much or exactly what we are able to handle and cope with remains to be seen. As we live and breathe we are addicted to life itself.
  Literally anything has the capability to draw us back into the oneness of eternity. At times this is impossible to feel and see. This is due to the mentality held onto. Our negative mentality has a structure that cannot handle much stress without loss of self control. The outcome seems to be "the same old thing different day" syndrome. This is a habit formed into repeating the past experiences in attempts to relive the glory days of our youth. That is until we break free from immobilization. We simply won't let go of the assumed traumatic past until good reasons arrive. We get addicted to being upset. Just to access the chemical release response we have become accustomed to. Our attitude will form a mood and then our disposition will be shaped from that mold. They will eventually become part of our personality traits. There are many that form you into who you take yourself to be. As we begin to believe in the finite\=/infinite, melting into reality becomes more than spontaneous. It can become a controlled response. That is, if an individual so desires.
  Being kept from this feeling is only natural due to the egoic nature of seperation. Our seperation spawns all the way back into the literal cave. It is part of the pack mentality that kept us alive to thrive. This forms into the protective mental cave in which we dewll in every moment. We always revert into the cave while assumed attack occurs. Our defense mechanisms fly up before we can control it. This is due to thinking the exterior world is in charge of your life. That is inside out and backwards. You control reality in every aspect. Due to our subconscious programmimg from childhood we will not believe in ourselves for most of our life. This is due to a series of habits that we once had control of. Understanding the entire process allows us to control our self control issues & reverse the process.
  Self control can be taken back through some simple little routines followed. As you make a schedule and stick to it you will form new habits. A simple schedule goes a long way. But not too simple, nor too complex. Either or makes it very difficult to even begin a simple routine or schedule. The inaction has become just another habit formed. Habits add up into forming our disposition. So as we become addicted to anything of exterior stimulation, we can use that addiction as a doorway into unity, out of seperation. I understand if this seems far fetched or hard to comprehend. As you start to dare to believe, miraculous things begin to happen. You unfold yourself in the most beautiful ways. To unlock your potential is what you are alive to do. This will enable every life purpose you possess to be realized. If you take action when necissairy. In any form of manifestation there will be action needed to be taken. Once action begins thoughts become things. When thoughts become things in front of your eyes with your two hands, it seems as if it isn't just a thought anymore. This is and isn't true. 
  Your inner dragon can only be tamed by you and you alone. Self control is within your grasp with a simple program and set schedule to follow that I have created. With dedication anyone can do what anyone else has done. Once we understand the process and steps taken. Same as how we learned how to walk and or tie our shoes. We are capable of writing our own life as well as experience. We are capable of turning it all around to find an abundance of joy and gratitude. Contact me for access to the my classes on self control and reprogramming our disposition. @
 Or visit the website @ also on the platform Newzeller with structured classes coming soon. Thank you for your time and concideration.

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