Tradition, the good, the bad, & the ugly. How does tradition help? How does tradition hurt?

  Yes and no, traditions are good and bad. We definitely need to move forward from an archaic mentality of constant consumption. But we also need to hold onto compassion and remember history in the correct ways. Mentally moving from cave to cave is all we really ever do. Stepping out of a cave of constant self ridicule can be quite difficult. Finding out that society has ways and means, as well as ins and outs is just part of growing up. But there is a large mentality that holds onto the tradition of personal conspiracy theories. Yes and no, will be a reoccurring theme in life, as you will come to see. Yes, things happen and have reasons. No, things can get chaotic and not seem to have any purpose. A conspiracy to hide an event or course of action will occur to save face, and more so to avoid prosecutions from the laws of man. As we come from the cave, mentally through tradition, and an epigenetic deconstructed time line. We attempt to take ourselves out of the equation in vain. No one is exempt from anything and we are all absolutely equal when it comes to mental health. That transfers over into the reality we find and create for ourselves. The path we follow has twists and turns but we are the driver. Becoming more and more aware of our decisions and the outcomes that follow.
  Stepping outside of the box and tracking backwards through humanities written history of violence. There is proof inside the pudding. Being secluded and or shunned is a common reoccurring format in religion as well as a tribal setting. Back to the beginning of any community formed. As we begin to feel empathetic as well as experience the expansion of consciousness. When you experience the same experiences your body will quake with the remembrance of an event. Breaking bones in the body forces us to feel the connection of another's pain as they are in it. Even more so, with our advances in video quality and cinema. We will be taken into the moment over and over at the press of a button. To witness another of our group maliciously inflicting pain onto another living creature takes us into the mental cave of torment and torture. This too comes with levels and the effect that the dimmer switch has. Some things some people experience will shit the door to empathy and compassion inside their brain. Your true self will eventually hide inside the shadows of pain and anger. Lost in the confusion of frustration and hate the hole gets deeper and deeper.
  Through the dimmer switch affect the ugly inbetween good and bad seem to reflect each other. As any individual is fed pain and finds pleasure there is a thin line that will be crossed back and forth. If not trampled upon entirely. As we can witness throughout different mentalities of tribes and cultures. Societies typically follow suit in the image of either Rome or Tibet. As Tibet is now overthrown by China the proof is in the pudding. The time in which we live is no different. Our blood lust just changes forms. Or shifts its focus on something a little less "in-humane". As if physical combat could be understood by the masses on a level that keeps self abuse from spilling over onto others. Especially once alcohol is involved. The only way anyone will ever understand anger and why people enjoy being upset is through the exposure to this kind of information. 
  Self realization is otherwise ran from. Especially once the level of "relenquishment of blame" is attained. In the same fashion that the vail being lifted seems like the end of the presentation. The show must go on, especially once you know you are the conductor, hero, and the villain of your own life's story. It's time to write a new addition to the series wouldn't you say? Isn't it time to change some of your own traditions? Time to take the reins of responsibility and find course to our new actions. Focus on the you that you were truly meant to be and actually make a difference. Feeling alive and vibrant comes from making a difference in other people's lives. Many things make us feel alive, but longevity comes from sharing thw real you. The selfish mentality formed through the threat of attack is all natural. Self preservation is part of staying alive. Try not to ever take things too personally. 
  In the same breath, if your heart is telling you to give back you really need to listen! You and you alone will be able to save yourself from the past that you have created this future with. If you stay here and now following this course of action your future is written down. You made sure of that! You know what you could do and when you should do what you know is right. No one else will ever be able to judge you but you. That being said, as you see others judging others and being forced to do so "in the court of law" or in any other social setting. The negatively driven egoic mentality of the individuals judging and being judged is only the self meeting a mirror reflection of what needed to happen. Same goes for when we are giving the light you were meant to shine away. Peace will consume your every fiber of being, if only you could only learn how to allow it.
  Finding ways to allow yourself forgiveness is through giving back. You will be shown the yellow brick road filled with abundance if you know where to find it. But if greed is driving the you that you are. Abundance will wither and wilt away before you can even touch the stems of the flower. The "Midas touch" will ever be yours without knowing it. As you make things either better or worse through your presence alone. Think to yourself, what kind of mark am I leaving on others as we engage together? The real work we are sent to do is to share this experience. Not to just be the center of attention to then allow that to spoil our entire disposition. Being the best of the best comes with the lessons in humility that most people turn from. Thinking that people like the outlandish shock value will only get you so far. You will hurt yourself in numerous ways and burn a lot of bridges. If not physically over and over, self abuse has many mental sides.
  Our habits become our traditions. In all actuality our habits are our parents and sutto mentors habits. As we become like who we aspire to be like. That will hold fast until that hero falls too far from grace. Outside our own beliefs we are always judging each other. As soon as that other individual showes us the ugly side of ourselves it becomes time to replace them. Falling victim to being utterly thrown in the same way drug addiction will find. Being "thrown"or kept from unconditional acceptance is something we all do to ourselves over and over again. Like a rubber band that we cling to as we attempt to shoot ourselves into our desired future. We will always find a snap back to reality aspect in a lot of ways. The speed of thought has capabilities that really leave most people in shock with plenty of questions. 
  Questions and answers that if we write down and work with hold the keys to our success. But our beliefs often time conflict with the truths we are shown so we just kinda tune them out. Being receptive to information is all it takes to grow and transform. As long as you are willing and able to take those next steps. Being closed off is a sure way to follow suit in archaic traditions that lead to some horrible sides of mental seclusion. A mental shift is all it truly takes to hold onto the good side of things at all times. It becomes a habit to find the positive aspects of what unfolds. To then find better resolve and outcomes for everyone involved. To come together with love at all times and just show our compassionate sides to shine. Open up your heart and it will, like your legs, carry you. The only one that ever broke your trust or heart was you. Our assumptions have a funny way of making us feel all the attack and pain that is being shared intensely. We are all empathetic and all interwoven as one love, one heart. We always know better when we lash out because we felt left out. We share one mind most of the time.
  Thank you so much for your support, your time and consideration. It means true change is upon us as we form understanding together. Finding the truth behind-the-scenes and lessons life has as it unfolds through the steps that we are each on. This journey through the forest of opportunities is lit by the ones we follow. We are all teachers and students of our true nature, our true self. Unconditional acceptance is where we are, where we came from, as well as where we are going. Keeping ahold of healthy and constructive traditions is critical in holding onto humanity. Traditions can also be the root of a lot of evil doings. We must be able to focus and tell the difference for ourselves.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.๐ŸŽ„
๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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