Trust has been trampled and taken advantage of. Trust is fragile, is there a way to rebuild it? Can we learn to love again?

  Trust is something that everyone has. Everyone holds onto something to believe in. We hide the trust deep down inside. Behind layers of pain and personal torment. Pride finds ways to hide everything worth wile. Our vanity has a price that may remain unpaid. As long as we assume that we have always been attacked. We will always be in protective state of being. Our state of being has everything to do with how we view ourself today, in the here and now. Now is all we will ever have. We create our instantaneous future here and now. The loss of control we feel has rhyme and reason. Linked into the loss of control, trust issues have trust issues. We find ourselves grasping for something we actually have. To be able to be trusted you must open up and trust again. To trust again we must embrace that we are trusted. Self worth is part of the web we weave. To understand the only one that breaks your trust is you has complications.
  There are many strings attached to everything we think and do. Our actions are a direct manifestation of our thoughts. Our thoughts control everything we ever experience. We create our experience through thought alone. What we as individuals focus on is what will determine our fate and future. We shape our personality every step of the way. Our own lack of validation forces us to crave after it. In turn ensuring it remains out of reach. Trust issues have a lot to do with our own residual image held onto. Once we realize how to view our residual images there is a way to control them. Who you are, who you were, and who you will be get mixed up sometimes. Mostly due to who we were conflicting with who we are. That keeps us from becoming who we will be. Who we will be is attainable. Who we will be is also something we can control. There is no fate but the one we make.
  Trust is something that is left up to the idea of what that means. The self torment that is caused from keeping the truth from someone can build and boil over. Not telling the truth is the same as telling a lie. Sometimes not telling someone our opinions feels like the same thing. That's just it, to be able to differentiate opinions from the objective truth isn't common knowledge. Or so it seems at first glance. But as we look deeper into the brain we possess we find the same possibilities. Whatever anyone focuses on will be what their brain is able to access. As we believe that we are not worth trust. We won't feel as if we should be trusted. Same goes for feeling like we need to lie. Assuming we are lied to, makes us lie to others. The ability to keep personal information private and safe has levels as well. As we lash out emotionally in moments of stress, it can begin to express our character. Being able to control yourself is linked into trust and the complex issues that follow. Unless you are truly truthful you will face an inner turmoil.
  The truth is subjective and it changes due to what we personally believe is more important. Personal accountability is a large side of the truth. Finding the sides of the truth that lead to answers that are beneficial for everyone involved, needs to start to happen. Looking inside yourself, we might be able to find ways to compromise and come together. I don't mean giving in or giving up. Everyone involved should be able to compromise with you. We should be able to come together with empathy. As anyone gives way and takes their protective walls down. We should be able to read that and follow suit. More than that, we should be the first one to bend. We should be able to work with one another. Not just constantly looking for unhealthy forms of competition. The pack mentality is where competition spawns from. Taking ourselves into the cave is what is happening. The mental cave of protection and seclusion is where we find sanctuary. Or where we retreat to in moments we assume attack.
  The cave in which we dwell is all we really ever have. We leave the cave of our home to enter into the cave of the world. That scary place where chaos lives. To then enter into the work force into a cave of either or. A cave of assumed attack to embrace the whipping boy mentality. Or take control and be in charge to embrace the mentality of authority and power. There is a grey area that the "dimmer switch aspect" provides. Power corrupts and all you are is energy. Learning to channel and control the Chi is also all we will ever be doing. Coming to terms with power struggles is an inner conflict. Trust is a complex side of the truth for some people. If a person is addicted to little white lies. That is just a habit they formed from feeling the need to protect themselves. It is a habit that hurts everyone in the vicinity. We all deserve to hear and should tell the truth. Our inner struggles will always be holding ways out of pain and suffering.
  We should also, all hold onto an open mind and nothing more. Letting go of every thought that hurts us is all we need to do. The thoughts we hold onto keep us from freedom of the thought. As we wonder we worry. This will show up in different forms due to different ways in which we worry. We worry about each other in different ways. After all we only want the best for everyone we ever meet. Until our "selfish nature" takes over. That is until we assume that they intended to do us harm. That's when things get a little personal. Once we take things personally our trust gets involved. Breaking our trust is related to breaking our heart. As we decide to feel as if our heart has been broken our feelings get involved to then lock out the world. Not knowing how to apologize makes us empathetic on levels we weren't ready for. Empathy ensures we will feel everything we witness intensely.
  Though we can close and the doors in the mind. We can also attempt to keep them closed. But our skeletons in the closet will always hold the keys to our soul. Skeletons hold hands with our demons so they may have a way in. Our concencse will not let us live anything down. The monsters under our bed are formed before we even need to pay for things we will do. Karma/Dharma have levels and layers that will and won't show up when expected. Instant karma is karma to burn. What we do or don't do, or realize now, is through the filters formed. The filters we view our experience through form the way we look at things. But as we view the moment we are here due to decisions made. We decide our own fate and to think anyone else is exempt or not equal is insane.
  The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting the same results. Our cycle of the family setting is no different. Not following through will form into a habit we do over and over again. We either finish things we start, or we tell ourselves and others tales of delusions of grandure. There will be some grey area in there as we are all individuals. Talking ourselves or others up, turns into telling a story. Due to some of the doors of the mind residing in the fog of cognitivity. We will fill in the blanks at times. Not necessarily a lie we tell, but in ways, yes & no. Even if we don't realize this is happening, it will come back to haunt us in the simplest of ways. As we revisit the thoughts of our past experiences we attempt to access the photographic memory. Moments hold onto charged emotions. Thus we will replay the best of times. As well as the our assumed downfalls. Only to find mental torment or solace and release.
  Stepping through all of this is capable through some simple shifts in thinking. Learning to love again is not as difficult as we make it out to be. Eye contact is a level of being able to see through words into intentions. Lack of eye contact probably means they are holding something back. That or ashamed about any number of things. Some ways of looking at things help expand how we cope and grow. Other mentalities can really close us off to the world to become a bit of a hermit. Personal growth is all the ego and the subconscious will ever promote. That is the job that they perform. Same as our dreams, there are reason to everything. Nothing is ever a coincidence as I am sure you have felt before. Everything has rhyme and reason with its ups and downs, or ins and outs. As always I thank you for your time and concideration. 

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ™ ☯


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