
Why does a wounded healer hurt others? Why does anyone lash out at all? Why would anyone ever think it is appropriate to treat anyone inappropriately? Shouldn't those two ideas cooperate instead of just butt heads?

  Have you ever witnessed anything that sparked thoughts along these lines? Have you ever seen anyone sit back and listen, to then explode emotional and blame everything on a few individuals? Have you ever been in a group of healers progressing the craft only to find there is a lurking competition in the air? Can you smell the ego or see who is playing the joker card? Have you ever stepped into the observational awareness point of view that allows you to see how large groups of people trade emotions like chweing gum and baseball cards? Have you ever felt the exchange of energy that shows someone how big or small we truly are? Have you ever felt the strong arm of authority snatch you up by the collar? Have you ever seen someone getting the attention they want, to then feel a certain way that was a bit uncomfortable? Or ever seen someone react irrationaly because of attention someone else is getting? Or be even excited enough for someone else to just join in on the conversati

Stocking stuffers๐Ÿ“šMerry Christmas & A Happy New Year!! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ Going deeper is how you will find the presents inside this blog post.๐ŸŽFr. Martin To. You ๐Ÿ’—

  This year has been full of ups and downs for us all. But together we stand united through any storm. We will rise to any occasion and weather the hurricane life has thrown at us. There is no doubt we have all cried together, laughed together, grew together. What hasn't killed us only makes us stronger! We are that resilient to find ways of making it through any complications. Perseverance is what the human race does. The past will fade as it becomes less important than the bright future we create for ourselves. Hold true to yourself and keep your loved ones close at heart. We will always have each other in times of peril. At the speed of thought you will be able to muster the might of 1,000 hero's because you are the hero of your story. Although the e-books I have for you today don't quite tell a story per say, kind of in their own way they do. Grab these digital stocking stuffers and let me know what you think of them in a comment or private message. You can

Tradition, the good, the bad, & the ugly. How does tradition help? How does tradition hurt?

  Yes and no, traditions are good and bad. We definitely need to move forward from an archaic mentality of constant consumption. But we also need to hold onto compassion and remember history in the correct ways. Mentally moving from cave to cave is all we really ever do. Stepping out of a cave of constant self ridicule can be quite difficult. Finding out that society has ways and means, as well as ins and outs is just part of growing up. But there is a large mentality that holds onto the tradition of personal conspiracy theories. Yes and no, will be a reoccurring theme in life, as you will come to see. Yes, things happen and have reasons. No, things can get chaotic and not seem to have any purpose. A conspiracy to hide an event or course of action will occur to save face, and more so to avoid prosecutions from the laws of man. As we come from the cave, mentally through tradition, and an epigenetic deconstructed time line. We attempt to take ourselves out of the equation in

Explain it to me like I am 5. Why do kids get mad so quickly? Why do kids lose their temper to then take it out on others?

  Everything we think about has a direct affect on the habits we make and create. The things we think are all built through our habits. Our habits create our thoughts. The way we think about what happens will change the way we see things. Our feelings are thoughts that have a surge of energy that make us take notice. People act how they feel and what they have been brought. Some people teach each other through pain. How and what we think is all a reflection of how we are treated. Or at least what we think will control what we value. Most families share a value system that revolves around material objects. The toys and things become more important than the moments we share. The most important aspect of life is to enjoy this experience. To share our time with one another and actually enjoy each others company.   The most important sides of life get lost in the confusion of wants and desires. As we as parents aren't able to give our children everything we would

Trust has been trampled and taken advantage of. Trust is fragile, is there a way to rebuild it? Can we learn to love again?

  Trust is something that everyone has. Everyone holds onto something to believe in. We hide the trust deep down inside. Behind layers of pain and personal torment. Pride finds ways to hide everything worth wile. Our vanity has a price that may remain unpaid. As long as we assume that we have always been attacked. We will always be in protective state of being. Our state of being has everything to do with how we view ourself today, in the here and now. Now is all we will ever have. We create our instantaneous future here and now. The loss of control we feel has rhyme and reason. Linked into the loss of control, trust issues have trust issues. We find ourselves grasping for something we actually have. To be able to be trusted you must open up and trust again. To trust again we must embrace that we are trusted. Self worth is part of the web we weave. To understand the only one that breaks your trust is you has complications.   There are many strings attached to ev

A Christmas Carol, is it time to look inside? Isn't it a time of truly giving? Shouldn't everyday be embraced the exact same?

  "Mankind should have been my business"! A weary weak remnants of a man shackled and chained cries for redemption. The redemption that never comes. The aftermath of our transgressions haunted, "till death do us part". The snapshots of the mind won't ever let you live anything down. Our guilt has good cause and there is always a chance to turn it all around. As Scrooge would wake up at the end of his experiences. You can too, if you allow yourself to become who you were meant to be. The you that you keep hidden from everyone else. The giving till it hurts side of the human experience. As you are the child inside that hides. Our inner child wants to come out and feel the sun. But the popularity contest we hold onto keeps us showing others a tougher side of ourselves. Wanting to be strong and be in control makes for a person to look up to, or so it seems. Yes and no, someone that is overly confident is often incompetent. They may be able to