
Showing posts from November, 2020

"The Carnival Of Chaos" Will the Merry Go Round Of Pain ever come to an end? Are we able to understand the ego or the Joker role our nemesis holds onto?

  The Carnival Of Chaos grows into the carnival of carnage. What a sight to be seen. With shadows & fear around every corner. Frustration and anger found within every mirror. Hatred boils inside the mind of the abandoned, repressed & enslaved. Life may never be tasted by those that constantly crave. Wanting & striving for what you already have, makes it fade away into the distant haze of confusion. Lost within the maze of the mind. Caught up in the cataclysm of illusion our thoughts wonder endlessly. The thought on top constantly running you down! With nowhere to hide form your own subconscious mind. The torment you find resides within. Due to expectations and assumptions mixed with judgment inside of judgment. We may never escape from the mental torment of a negativity derivative or framework laid. The roots of the problems always reside within. Look deep into yourself and behind your words & actions to find true intentions. View them to be able to proceed.

The mental cave in which we dwell may be the only thing we ever truly know. Ensuring it is a sanctuary and not a cave of seclusion may be a simple choice.

  The mental cave will either be a sanctuary or a cell. As we dwell on negativity our mind seems to make the walls close in on us. Only able to think of the wprdt case scenario is only natural. As we are able to precieve things as they are as well as how we think they should be. Our worst fears seem to keep us from taking action. Finding that we weren't ever in danger still won't keep us from imagining the worst of the worst. The truth behind the truth remains in the darkness. The mind that assumes attack will find reasons of feeling attacked. As the persecuted will always assume persecution. Our mentality dictates everything about how we precieve what happens. Keeping an open mind may or may not help much. Letting our thought run wild is common in our lives today. If you don't understand what the thought on top is saying. Then the contradictions that arise will only cause confusion. An addiction to following the running thought will form into many forms of acti

The pains of personal initiation into the group. Do you really need to appear that tough? Are you threatening or feeling threatened?

  Feeling alienated and alone is nothing more the the egoic trick of seclusion. To witness others back and forth banter of a personal nature seems to infect us. As it were, everyone wants to join in on "talkin shit". As we witness individuals interact with one another it holds a striking resemblance of the school yard. The need to join the group seems to be overwhelming. This will spill over from work to the home setting. Enabling good faithful Christian pastors to bend the rules a little. The acceptance of any group has a power that unity holds onto. The facade of unity only brings dissapointment when we reach for acceptance that we always had. Grasping for anything we have, makes us feel as if it is gone. Not being able to remember that we came from unconditional acceptance is all too common. This is another trick palyed by the egoic nature of seclusion. But being an individual is as important as being interwoven and connected. Wanting someone to like you makes

Do you even understand why you enjoy anger, frustration, sorrow and misery? Would you like to fully comprehend why?

  It all comes down to the access of those little dopamine reserves. Basically everything you will ever say or do, is all based around those simple little dopamine reserves, and the rest of the chemical responses of course. Now, everything we say and do are also linked into validity. "In the hopes of being noticed". Not only are we constantly crying for attention. Soon as we find that validity, it is never enough. Addicted to literally everything we are & will ever be exposed to. What we are truly addicted to is life itself. "Ahhh"!, the feeling of being alive. Caught up in the whirlwind of pain and misery can tend to be confusing. Life is a tug of war at times with being angry and letting thigs just happen. As it were, we simply enjoy being mad so much, that it becomes our chosen constant state of being. You will be something. If you are in control of what you will be, & are becoming, or are now, remains to be seen. Even when we think we are in

Is self control even possible with a negative attitude? Can a person change their disposition?

   I would like to give you the tools to do just that! This is a book that will build self control on an unprecedented level! With this step by step instructional handbook you will unlock yourself and your potential. This book contains how to end the affliction and addiction to the running thought, or any uncontrollable action/addiction at all. This book is the next level in reprogramming the subconscious, the brain, body, mind chatter, as well as reality itself. To what level we each individually take that remains to be seen and only time will tell. With this step by step guide to manifestation any of any goal desired, there is no telling what the future holds for humanity, or us as individuals.    With this book you will be able to wash your ego entirely clean and build a new one from the ashes of the old you. You will be able to build a new self image, personality, and personal identity. Any personal help that may be required is available through my spiritual/life coaching programs.

What should I listen to durring meditation?

  What to listen to can be very important to finding a comfortable space to meditate. There are so many options to choose from. At times absolute silence is going to bring you to a deeper sense of oneness than you might know. Other times we would rather listen to something soothing to calm down and relax. The more we release and relax, the easier it is to melt into the self. As well as melt into reality. This is a form of meditation that can be obtained quite rapidly through the correct practices. The practice of listening to a story to end the running thought is an amazing tool to add to your bag of tricks. We will be able to learn how to control our brain waves at will. But only through practice, some know how, added to a bit of repetition. That is truly all it takes to change our disposition entirely. So to add in some helpful music can aid in many ways.   Just the fact that sound is all vibrations really are, brings us to the understanding of oneness on a cellular level