"The Carnival Of Chaos" Will the Merry Go Round Of Pain ever come to an end? Are we able to understand the ego or the Joker role our nemesis holds onto?
The Carnival Of Chaos grows into the carnival of carnage. What a sight to be seen. With shadows & fear around every corner. Frustration and anger found within every mirror. Hatred boils inside the mind of the abandoned, repressed & enslaved. Life may never be tasted by those that constantly crave. Wanting & striving for what you already have, makes it fade away into the distant haze of confusion. Lost within the maze of the mind. Caught up in the cataclysm of illusion our thoughts wonder endlessly. The thought on top constantly running you down! With nowhere to hide form your own subconscious mind. The torment you find resides within. Due to expectations and assumptions mixed with judgment inside of judgment. We may never escape from the mental torment of a negativity derivative or framework laid. The roots of the problems always reside within. Look deep into yourself and behind your words & actions to find true intentions. View them to be able to proc...