
Showing posts from October, 2020

The cave in which we dwell. Is it a sanctuary or a Hell?

  The mental construct of a cave is all we will ever really know. As it were, as soon as we come out of our dwelling "cave". We enter into a world of confusion and mayhem. Life in the exterior world is chaotic and dangerous to say the least. With everything seemingly out to get you or dangerous. Our protective or survival mechanisms will fly up at a moment's notice. For most individuals this is a reaction and not a controlled response. The mentality of a victim only has us feel as if there is always something hunting you. Always looking over your shoulder to make sure you aren't into anything of a back alley nature. Your subconscious will only always attempt to save you. After all, that is what our self preservation functions have to offer. As we program these parts of the body and brain without understanding anything about it all. It tends to have us on edge and anxious all the time.   This form of anxiety is natural to an extent. As it were, we should en

Does age dictate maturity, or is it the ability to remain pure of heart?

  Age has basically nothing to due with maturity. As you look around, all we find are children grown older. That is unless you are involved with individuals that are absolutely done with negative limiting beliefs. For the most part, this is an impossibility. Everyone you meet has some beliefs of low self esteem. To absolutely believe in ones self is very difficult. Not many individuals have the ability to begin things to then follow them all the way through till the finish. This is a habit formed and nothing more. Our habits have a way of confining us. A habit can also be something that sets us apart from everyone else in good ways. We are all individuals and should embrace that. More so, we need to embrace the fact that we are interwoven into one another on the deepest level. Caught in the echo of time we find ourselves repeating history in one way or another.   Maturity is formed at a young age. But to remain mature as well as to cultivate maturity is a choice. A decision

Can we washing clean the ego to rid the self of the loneliness and despair of depression?

  The ego will make you feel alone and desperate with no one to turn to.  The loan wolf mentality is just a small byproduct of the lies the ego has to offer.  We will buy into the ego hook line and sinker so to speak and swan dive right into the deep end of despair.  "I sure hope someone was able to witness my form"  The ego is absolute vanity and a cry for attention.  All linked into our childhood dreams of becoming somebody people admire and look up to.  That simple little dream has formed into a whirlwind of a nightmare, or so it seems.  The monkey mind will not give up or supply a moments rest.  We just all have something to say and someone is gonna hear it!  Even if no one is able to understand our negative banter. That mentality never gets expressed fully nor understood by anyone we ever meet.  People just figure you have anger issues or problems with your loving personal relationships.  After all, we always seem to just get over it eventually. Even

Are you a Loan Wolf when it all falls apart and life get's hectic? Do you take advisory head on with a forceful mentality and a fist full of rage?

  The loan wolf mentality is one we are all familiar with in some ways, even if we don't really realize it. At times the walls close in and we feel there is nowhere to turn. As we have bent over backwards for others and now in a time of need there is no-one to be found. Seemingly ignoring your attempts to devise a plan of action that calms the chaos. But for some reason when things are really close to the wire our attitude finds the same attitude. Don't ya just love it when your attitude cops an attitude? There is little solace to be found from acquaintances that just have better things to do. You may take things personally only to exasperate the situation you find yourself in. Not knowing that you make and create the interactions faced will cause quite a bit of confusion on top of our desired outcomes. It is very hard to understand how the manifestation proccess works while we are upset and feeding off of chemical responses.     Those chemical responses are all we

Is how we consume art or our artists a thing of the past?

  The way we even view artists has a new aspect of immersion involved. We simply cant get enough. Every album release is played over and over till we are sick of it. Even then our favorite songs from that release will always play on a loop when we throw that disk in or even think of that band or solo artist. This also happens with our favorite sports and movie starts. With paparazzi and the addiction to living someone elses life vicariously, driven by mirror neurons things tend to get distorted. It is always as if we are in the driver's seat and nothing can stop us. We just can't wait for them to create! The days of waiting till our artists to pass away to be appreciated is a thing of the past. They just can't keep up with our mass consumption. Be it any genre of media, the need for more entertainment has become apparent. With the addiction to your phone in control, all day long we are in constant contact with what we want to be "in the know" about.   

You are the art inside, will you let yourself break free?

  You are the art attempting to break free! The echo of time forgotten ready to find its home on the canvas that is life. Nothing can hold you back but you. Break free the chains that bind you as you experience this experience. The art flows through the two hands you change the world with. There is no medium that is not art. Through the flow of practice finding your inner artist comes with ease. Even sweeping steps has a Zen aspect to it that can melt you into the act. This is reffered to as Wue Wei as the game plays the game. Even life itself is an art to be mastered. The art of walking becomes a run and then a dance. There is even an art to falling down mentally as well as physically. There is an art in getting back up. There is an art to love, life, and death. We even play with art while we eat. When we add curiosity to our day there is an art to that. There may be no need to see the art you create as long as you feel it's existence. As soon as you feel the art, insp