
Showing posts from September, 2020

Can anyone begin meditating and actually be good at it?

  Meditation is the quickest way to find solace in the ever hectic and changing world of today. The quickest way to an instantaneous calm and a collected mind set. When i say instantaneous I do mean instantaneously. Adding the correct mentality and techniques to very little practice combined with understandings of the process will bring instantaneous results of a euphoric nature unmatched by any form of exterior stimulation on the planet. Even mixed in together any number of forms of exterior stimulation shade in comparison that the control of your own brain chemistry can bring. Meditation is by far the most valuable practice and art a person can engage in. The art of meditation is all reality really has for us at all. As it were every waking breath, every walking step is meditation. With the literal meaning of the word being "to become familiar with" we simply can not escape from meditating. It is all we ever do as we are becomimg familiar with this life and body

Control the derailed train of thought by finding out how others have done so. is a mentor the answer?

  Often times our thoughts take over and just won't let us find a moments rest.  This can and will create all sorts of complex complications that are all simple in nature but added up all at once can be hectic to say the least.  I know that sounds like a mouthful and a cunundrum and it is.  The tumbling mind can find little to no rest.  We might be able to get tired enough through physical exhaustion but often times even this will not bring any form of mental solace.  Possibly relatable to counting sheep hopping over the fence to create a controled loop of repedative images to numb the brain to sleep.  But what happens when we are awake and all we can do is follow the running thought to no limits end?    I may have a few tricks you may or may not find useful or helpful.  These methods will actually need to be implicated fully to feel any results is all I mean to say.  They really work for me and they are a base starting point in medetation as well as reprogr

Team work and positive self reinforcement as well as from others around us

  Positive reinforcement while in any act or thought processes is critical to remaining in line with momentum and aimed as straight as possible towards any goal.  Look at any personal sport that is conducted as such or within any group especially chess.  Any high action personal extreme sport comited as well as any other sport performed at all for that matter.  Team work is the most sure way to find the footsteps towards success layed out for us.  With the competitive nature the world has to offer competition is more often then not a form of self abuse that turns into forms of unhealthy competition in the most subtle and peculiar ways.        Positive reinforcement is oh so critical in success.  We often times twist this around when we see abused individuals rising to the occasion, like a horse that has been whipped into shape and forced to run and win the race.  If that horse loses, it will be whipped even harder after the fact.  Or at least that's how we were raised a

Is it Ego? Or is it the Residual Self Image?

  The ego is a vast and large subject indeed.  Everyone gets one "Ego". Even our ego has an ego that has an ego.  We will never be rid of the ego, it will remain in all forms for all time.  The ego is how we are here and how we are solid mass.  It is how conciousness comes to know itself, you are conciousness.  All that needs to be done is to embrace all the sides of yourself and accept them.  But this is very dificult with today's fanatic lifestyles.  With so many people to impress our head spins there seems to be no end to the popularity contest that is life.  Our friends and lovers as well as family only reflect what we project.  But understanding the ego is a great start to taking control over your life back.   As others would be mirror reflections of our self, or at least how we view ourself.  Everyone feels so important and so left out.  Why is this so you may wonder?  All due to our assumed abandonment as a youth.  As it were even when our parents left

Control issues and the facade of power, a look at it from another point of view. The key to control is in its grasp.

  It will all basically come down to control issues.  The facade of power tastes just too sweet.  The lack of personal control will have us grasp for it.  We want control so badly that it Lords over us.  We wonder, worry, complain and focus all of our energy upon things we simply cannot control.  Yet get a false sense of hope as control is forced into another individual.  A false sense of entitlement that drags us further down the spiral of negativity.  Anger, frustration, aggravation, loss of determination, and procrastination will all be a late sign of domestic violence adding up into an immobalization of the mind, body, and spirit as well as the thought processes that pull us out of negativity.  Control is so sought after that it burrows deep into our subconcious so much so that the proof of our control issues will manifest directly into our running thought...  Into the controlled and uncontrollable commentary used in our day to day lives.     Life has a funny way of sho

Within the fog looking out at a world upside down that we can change.

  We are all deep inside the fog of domestic violence.  Even as we ourselves have in ways stepped outside of the cycle.  We are still sucked back into the void and nothingness of negativity in ways that are seemingly invisible.  Hence the fog of domestic violence. The fog of domestic violence hides the ego as it hides behind our supposed freedom of speech.  As it were we all take it out on the ones closest to us assuming that our family we form will never ever leave us. Not even if we are the worst side we can be and that's all we show people.  This forms into a personality trait eventually after we feed the mood of jumping into emotions more and more. The emotions are all too enticing and we simply jump to conclusions without understanding that that is what we are doing.  As it feels like all you are doing is standing up for yourself we don’t see an issue with telling anyone anything nor how we say what we say. This invisible form of self abuse really adds up in mo

The necessity of reprogramming the residual image

  The demand to review as well as reprogram one's residual image as well as understand how it is formed is critical in the modern world today.  The fanatic lifestyles of any individual has a layering affect upon the residual image.  So much so that if not understood severe psychotic snaps are sure to be the result.  Any form of any thought of suicide or assumption of devalue in one's self worth is a large sign that this is occurring.  Our personal character is constantly bombarded in the highly fanatic lifestyles our new world has to offer.     With the ability to fully submerge into V.R. and even before virtual reality, our computer software and their rapid advances have always been amazing tools that aid in the seperation of mind and body or from a life of assumed pain.  To be able to escape and live in a controlled environment or walk through someone else's imagination is absolutely amazing!  The books from our childhood have truly come to life.  Not to menti