Can anyone begin meditating and actually be good at it?

Meditation is the quickest way to find solace in the ever hectic and changing world of today. The quickest way to an instantaneous calm and a collected mind set. When i say instantaneous I do mean instantaneously. Adding the correct mentality and techniques to very little practice combined with understandings of the process will bring instantaneous results of a euphoric nature unmatched by any form of exterior stimulation on the planet. Even mixed in together any number of forms of exterior stimulation shade in comparison that the control of your own brain chemistry can bring. Meditation is by far the most valuable practice and art a person can engage in. The art of meditation is all reality really has for us at all. As it were every waking breath, every walking step is meditation. With the literal meaning of the word being "to become familiar with" we simply can not escape from meditating. It is all we ever do as we are becomimg familiar with this life and body...